Otakaari 2: Marsio and Kide
Building of Marsio & Kide began in February 2022, to be completed in 2023-2024
The construction of the Marsio and Otakaari 2B buildings began in February 2022. University is looking for a new name for the latter one, the Otakaari 2B building, through a name competition open to the Aalto community. The competition time is 26 May to 7 August 2023.
Otakaari 2B brings approximately 5 700 m2 for teaching, research and office space to the School of Science and the School of Electrical Engineering. The building complements the range of facilities in the universities and brings flexibility to the operation of the higher education institutions.
The long-awaited new facilities significantly increase the number of research, teaching and office spaces for experimental research in applied physics and the needs of the Department of Information and Communications Engineering. The new building will be connected to the Nanotalo building and Aalto Nanomicroscopy Center, allowing for more collaboration in the field of nanotechnology.
Closest neighbours to the building are Marsio (Otakaari 2A), Nanotalo building (Puumiehenkuja 2), Computer Science building (Konemiehentie 2) and School of Business (Ekonominaukio 1). The university organised a name competition for Otakaari 2B's sister building Marsio in spring 2022.
The jury looks for a name that will reflect the above-mentioned disciplines, the activities of the School of Science and the School of Electrical Engineering, and also be suitable for use by an international audience. The ideal name is monolingual, easy to pronounce and takes into account the diversity of Aalto's community and stakeholders. Examples of monolingual buildings on the campus are Dipoli, Väre and Marsio.
The jury is primarily looking for proposals in Finnish or Swedish or that something that sounds like these languages, or for example, borrowed and recognizable scientific terms from other languages, or formulations referring to these, are desirable names.
Suggestions can also include separate Finnish, Swedish and English name options (for example Kandidaattikeskus, Kandidatcentret and Undergraduate Centre). Names starting with a separate letter A refer to commercial operators on campus, so these should be avoided when making a name proposal (for example, A Bloc and A Grid). Similar names to other buildings on the campus should also be avoided.
Answers and questions useful to others are published on this page, so you may also find an answer to your question here.
Aalto students and staff can suggest names. The form is visible by logging in.
Send your name suggestion and a short explanation describing inspiration behind the name (maximum 200 words) using the form on this page no later than 7 August 2023 at 23:59. Late proposals will not be considered.
If there are several people involved in the name proposal (you can team up, if you want), add only one contact person to the form. You can also leave several name suggestions, if you feel you are in a particularly creative mood. All contact information will be removed before submissions are submitted for jury evaluation so that submissions can be evaluated anonymously.
If two or more participants send the same winning proposal, the judges will choose the winner's name based on the explanation describing the inspiration.
Naming competition is open for entries between 26 May and 7 August 2023. All the entries will be reviewed by the appointed jury during August 2023. Maximum of top 3 suggestions will be presented to the president and the communication’s director to make the final review and decision*. The winning name and the person who made the winning suggestion will be publicly announced in September 2023.
We reserve the right to adjust the schedule.
*) The winning name must not infringe already registered or established trademarks.
The jury members choose up to three (3) name suggestions for the final decision:
Coordinator: Noora Stapleton, Senior Communications Specialist
Send any questions regarding the name competition to competition coordinator Noora Stapleton ([email protected]).
Building of Marsio & Kide began in February 2022, to be completed in 2023-2024
Building Otakaari 2A & 2B begins in January 2022, construction to be completed by summer 2023
The foundation of the Otaniemi campus' newest buildings, Otakaari 2A and 2B, was laid on September 29. The new name of the Otakaari 2A building was also revealed at the event
The themes, artists and drafts of the new buildings' art collections were published