
Takeout webpage reopened for reservations

Aalto Studios and Väre Takeouts have reopened the website for reservations. We have also updated our category structure to a more precise one.

Due to the Covid situation we hope all additional inquiries are handled by email and most pick ups and returns would go through our locker system. Keep exposure and contact to equipment offices minimal. Thank you!

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Aalto Takeout

Create a project, find interesting resources, then reserve them by selecting dates from their calendars.

Takeout reservation system

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Kuva välinelainaamosta

Väre Takeout

Väre Takeout is an equipment lending service with diverse AV and IT equipment. Nowadays part of Aalto Studios. Studies and research have the highest priority in our operation, but everyone in Aalto community is welcome to use our services.

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Diverse Studios Takeout equipment

Aalto Studios Takeout (external link)

Wide selection of equipment for audiovisual projects at the Otakaari 7 Takeout office. Part of the Aalto Takeout network.

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