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Events at Aalto University
Theses & Tomatoes: Start your studies with Pomodoro
Join us for guided studying and pick up tips for more effective work during Pomodoro sessions!Neuronal oscillations for spoken word production: Levels of operationalisation and abstraction
This time, Vitória Piai (Donders Institute & Radboud University) will present recent insights on neuronal oscillations in spoken word production, moving beyond picture naming paradigms to explore both healthy adults and individuals with language impairment due to neurological damage.Hands-on Data Protection, Dec 3 & 5, 2024
Learn about data protection in this two-day workshop with Data Agents Dr. Enrico Glerean, Dr. Essi Viitanen, and Legal Counsel Anniina Harju.Public defence in Systems Neuroscience, M.Psych. Heidi Ala-Salomäki
Reliable MEG metrics of cortical language function (title of the thesis)- Published:
- Updated: