Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Wellbeing Content

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing further reading, video, audio and other content for development of personal and community wellbeing at Aalto University.

Everyone Included training by Sara Salmani available for Aalto community

How can inclusion build safety and belonginess in communities? What is the difference between equality and equity? What are privileges and biases and how can we recognize them? Everyone Included training by Sara Salmani available for Aalto community until the end of March, 2022.

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Picture of Sara Salmani

Esa Saarinen: Filosofia ja systeemiajattelu

Esa Saarisen suositun Filosofia ja systeemiajattelu -luentosarjan tavoitteena on lisätä osallistujan kykyä omaehtoiseen, laaja-alaiseen, luovaan ja eteenpäinvirittyneeseen elämänfilosofiseen ajatteluun.

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Image from remote site: open.spotify.com

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