Open science and research

Aaltodoc publication archive

Aaltodoc publication archive consists of materials produced in the university, such as theses, journal articles, conference publications and research materials produced by the schools of Aalto University.
publication platform training

Aaltodoc is the publication archive of Aalto University. It ensures the long-term preservation of electronic publications and research information produced at Aalto University, as well as their availability and visibility. 

Aalto University doctoral, licentiate, master's and bachelor's theses are stored in Aaltodoc. The metadata of theses is published in Aaltodoc. Full-text file is available if the author has given a permission for the electronic publishing of the full-text.

In addition to theses and publications, the self-archived versions of the articles published in scientific journals as well as conference papers are also stored in the repository. 

The majority of the publications in Aaltodoc are freely available in open Internet, and the full-text search is available. The access to the full-texts of some of the documents is restricted. 

The publications stored in the archive have a permanent URN identifier.

Aaltodoc is developed and maintained by Aalto University Learning Centre.

Aaltodoc is OAI-PMH and OpenAIRE compliant which makes harvesting the publication data possible. For example, it is possible to follow how the funders' requirements of openness are fulfilled.

Aaltodoc publication archiveSupport and more information: [email protected] (Aalto University Learning Centre)

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