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CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education, consists of leading business schools, multinational companies and NGOs that together offer the CEMS Master in International Management (MIM). Aalto University School of Business is a proud member of the CEMS Alliance since 1998. CEMS offers Aalto students a unique opportunity to study international management in a multicultural setting, apply the learnings in solving real-life business challenges and become part of the ever-growing global CEMS network of students and professionals.
CEMS-ohjelman valmistujaiset 2021 / CEMS Graduation

CEMS is recognised as a unique global community, comprising the world’s finest students, schools, alumni, corporate and social partners, delivering the leading international Master’s in Management (MiM) that prepares responsible leaders contributing to a more open, sustainable and inclusive world. 

Read more about the CEMS Vision and Mission on cems.org.

CEMS MIM Curriculum

The programme consists of two academic terms (Term 1 & Term 2) and an international internship. The two academic terms are consecutive (starting in autumn), while the internship can take place at any time during the graduate period of studies, but not overlapping with Term 1 or Term 2. Students spend one of the two academic terms in another CEMS Member School and the internship abroad.

Students can find the Aalto CEMS Programme Offer on cems.org. Registration in courses is done through study platform Sisu.

Most of the CEMS MIM studies must be completed during the MIM year, but up to 15 ECTS of CEMS studies (including elective courses and skills seminars) can be done during the previous or following academic year.

CEMS Graduation and Career Support

CEMS Local and Global Networks

For applicants

Aalto CEMS Office organizes information sessions both online and in person for interested applicants every year in the fall semester. Upcoming events are announced on these pages. Application dates and instructions can be found on the separate programme pages: Add-on CEMS MIM and MSc in Global Management

More about applying

CEMS Club Helsinki board Fall 2019

Add-on CEMS MIM for Aalto students

CEMS Master's in International Management (MIM) includes CEMS courses, an extensive business project, an exchange semester at another CEMS university, an international internship, and seminars familiarising the students with skills required in working life.

Aalto students can apply to complete the CEMS MIM programme (66 ECTS) in parallel with their regular Aalto MSc studies during one academic year.

Study at Aalto
Two business students on the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi

Global Management, Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

The Master’s programme in Global Management prepares students to operate responsibly and successfully in influential decision-maker positions in a globalized environment. The programme develops students’ knowledge and skills in strategy, business development, leadership, and cross-cultural understanding. The programme incorporates CEMS Master’s in International Management.

Study options


Perttu Kähäri

MSc in Global Management Programme Director
 Liisa Kotilainen & Arja Sahlberg

Liisa Kotilainen & Arja Sahlberg

CEMS Programme and Corporate Relations Managers

Elina Nykänen

MSc in Global Management Planning Officer (LES)

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