Other studies

Cross-institutional studies (RIPA)

Cross-institutional studies mean that you can complete studies at another Finnish Higher Education Institution. If your programme belongs to a cross-institutional study network, you can take courses agreed in the agreement at another Finnish Higher Education Institution. Aalto University has several cross-institutional networks, and for some of the agreed courses in network, you can now enroll through the cross-institutional study functionalities in Sisu. These instructions apply to Aalto University students whose degree programmes include the right to participate in one of the cross-institutional study networks listed below.

Applying for cross-institutional study network courses through Sisu (Aalto student)

  • Check the network rights included in your study right from Sisu under My Information > Study rights tab
  • Completing studies at another Finnish university requires that your study right at your home university and in the programme covered by the agreement is valid, and you have enrolled as an attending student at your home university.
  • You can browse cross-institutional study offerings through Sisu's Search function. Pay special attention to any prerequisite requirements and registration restrictions for the courses.
  • Verify the suitability of the studies for your degree with your programme or major coordinator.
  • Enrollment in courses is done in Aalto's Sisu. Enrollment in teaching at another Finnish university is done through Sisu, just like for Aalto's own teaching. Remember to add the selected courses to your study plan.
  • Upon successful enrollment, you will receive a temporary right to study at the target university for completing the studies.
  • Once the assessment is completed at the target university, the performance information will automatically transfer to your completed studies in Sisu. You do not need to separately apply for credit transfer for the studies you have completed at another Finnish university.

NOTE! In the RIPA service, there is a maintenance break on the first Tuesday of every month from 9 to 11 AM. During the maintenance break, short interruptions may occur, making it possible that enrollment in courses may not be successful.

If you have any questions about the studies, please contact student services at [email protected].

The networks available for application through the cross-institutional study service channel, RIPA

At Aalto University, there are several cross-institutional networks. The cross-institutional study functionalities in Sisu (RIPA) are available for the following networks:

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