Other studies


Here you can find the Unite! educational offer, including online courses, short term courses and international join master's programmes. Aalto University master level students and bachelor students who have almost completed their degree can apply for master level online courses in various Unite! universities. The courses can be taken completely remotely. Unite! online courses provide an easy opportunity to study in a foreign university and together with other European students.

Before applying for Unite! online courses, students must ensure with their own study programme that the courses can be transferred into their degree in Aalto University. Please read the course descriptions, requirements and schedules carefully before applying to the course.

The application periods for the energy engineering and architecture virtual courses take place in the spring and in the autumn, whereas the application period for the language and competence courses is always open. Remember to check the application times for each course from the course catalogue below.

Please note that Unite! virtual courses cannot be counted towards the exchange studies minimum study credit requirement.

You can find all Unite! educational offerings for students on the Unite! Student Catalogue.

Unite! educational offer

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