Our strategy

Entrepreneurial mindset

One of the Aalto community’s strengths is its courageous, low-hierarchy culture with empowered students. Building on this, Aalto fosters a thriving entrepreneurial culture. This thrive is visible in the success stories such as Slush and Junction sprouting from the heart of Aalto’s innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Entrepreneurial mindset themed illustration showing a robotic hand, illustration by Anna Muchenicova

You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to have entrepreneurial capabilities. Everyone needs them.

Learning how to think, build, create, and research like an entrepreneur should be a right of everyone in the university community. The goal is to advance entrepreneurial capabilities throughout Aalto by supporting student-driven activities and initiatives while ensuring that entrepreneurial studies, co-created by students and faculty members, are available to the community as a whole. 

Entrepreneurial capabilities – courage and curiosity to find new ways to create value, taking ownership of your work, having intrinsic motivation, owning up to your mistakes and tenaciously getting back up again – can and should be applied to anything one does.

Below, people from all over the Aalto community share their thoughts on the many ways fostering an entrepreneurial mindset can help us all on our respective career journeys – whatever they might be.

The other cross-cutting approaches are

Solutions for sustainability

Radical creativity

Jouko Lampinen

Aalto University is home to a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem and culture. The entrepreneurial mindset is about the ability and willingness to continuously search for opportunities to create sustainable social and economic value and the courage to take action to pursue these opportunities under uncertainty. 

We foster and cherish this mindset here at Aalto University dearly. Having an entrepreneurial mindset doesn’t mean one embarks on a journey to become an entrepreneur; it means applying this mindset to whatever it is you strive towards with unmatched passion.

Jouko Lampinen, Dean, School of Science

Thoughts from Aalto community

Aalto community members share their thoughts on how fostering an entrepreneurial mindset helps them create something new. 

Lauri Järvilehto

Thinking like an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial mindsets can be told apart through the simple gauge of how you relate to the problems you face.

Pasi Herranen

Building like an entrepreneur

For Pasi Herranen, an entrepreneurial mindset means having wild visions, mental readiness, and continuously developing one's social skills.

Xiao Yu

Entrepreneurial mindset and research

An entrepreneurial mindset means identifying problems and needs through precise observations of daily life.


Entrepreneurial design

Patricia Pinheiro was already a successful entrepreneur when she first came to the Industrial and Strategic design program as a MA student.


Tools for creating an entrepreneurial mindset

The world is changing faster than ever, and no one knows what happens tomorrow, let alone in ten years.

Ohto Pentikäinen
Cooperation, Studies Published:

Alum Ohto Pentikäinen ‘Anyone can come up with problems, but those who can solve them creatively are hot currency in building better business’

Our alum Ohto Pentikäinen has been entrepreneurial since childhood. From establishing a snack kiosk in middle school to officially founding his first company in high school and juggling multiple projects and businesses alongside studies, Ohto emphasizes that entrepreneurship has primarily been a tool for him to solve problems.
Elisabet Lahti and Jaan Praks
Cooperation, Research & Art, University Published:

An entrepreneurial researcher takes action and creates something new

When a researcher thinks like an entrepreneur, they can create something truly groundbreaking.
Ryhmä ihmisiä työskentelee hackathonissa
Cooperation, Studies Published:

Earn credits and learn sustainable entrepreneurship at Solve the SDGs

Solve the SDGs, the sustainability hackathon by Aalto Ventures Program and Junction, is organized from 22–24 March.
Ryhmä ihmisiä työskentelee hackathonissa
Cooperation Published:

Solve the SDGs returns — now in Finland and India

Solve the SDGs, the sustainability hackathon by Aalto Ventures Program and Junction, is organized from 22–24 March in Finland and India.
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