Anniina Suominen

A806 Department of Art and Media

Dr. Anniina Suominen earned her BA/MA from the University of Arts and Design Helsinki (1999) and her Ph.D. in Art Education from The Ohio State University (2003) and is currently an Associate Professor of Art Pedagogy at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Dr. Suominen shares her time between U.S. and Finland navigating and negotiating their landscapes, socio-cultural traditions, and institutional differences. Her attachment to both of these places has shaped her work. Her research and teaching focus on advancing equity and social justice through the arts as well as sensuous epistemologies and pedagogies. The themes she works with are knowing/learning in relation to place and others (including diverse environments and & animals), democracy and diversity in education, curricula and pedagogy that are sensitive to gender diversity, immigrant rights and human rights, and visual/artistic knowing, learning, and research.

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Areas of expertise

6132 Visual arts and design, 516 Educational sciences


Museums as intersectional spaces for artivist solidarity

Riikka Haapalainen, Anniina Suominen, Tiina Pusa, Jasmin Järvinen, Melanie Orenius 2024 Propositions for Museum Education

Kuvataidekoulutuksen ja -kasvatuksen visio 2030

Katriina Rosavaara, Heikki Heinonen, Mirja Hiltunen, Maria Huhmarniemi, Johanna Kivioja, Sirpa Kärkkäinen, Noora Lehtovuori, Elina Merenmies, Eija Mustonen, Anniina Suominen, Johanna Vakkari 2022

Kuvataidekasvatuksen koulutusohjelmien dialogisuus ja erityispiirteet

Tiina Pusa, Anniina Suominen 2021 Dialogista vaikuttamista - yhteisöllistä taidekasvatusta pohjoisessa.

Turvallisemman oppimisympäristön luominen ja etäopetuksen haasteet

Tiina Pusa, Anniina Suominen 2021 Mahdolliset maailmat

Arts Education Research, Projects and Pedagogy of Three University Programmes in Finland

Anniina Suominen, Mirja Hiltunen, Eeva Anttila 2021 Arts, Sustainability and Education

Infernal learning and the class clash

Anniina Suominen, Tiina Pusa, Minna Suoniemi, Eljas Suvanto, Elina Julin 2021

Arts, Sustainability and Education

Ernst Wagner, Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, Luísa Veloso, Anniina Suominen, Nevelina Pachova 2021

The role of arts and cultural education in the context of sustainable development

Ernst Wagner, Nevelina Pachova, Anniina Suominen, Charlotte Svendler Nielsen, Veloso Luísa 2021 Arts, sustainability and education