Hannu Pesonen

Doctoral Researcher
Doctoral Researcher
T313 Dept. Computer Science
Doctoral Researcher
Department of Computer Science
Full researcher profile

Honors and awards

UKICER 2023 Best Paper Award

For "Exploring the Interplay of Achievement Goals, Self-Efficacy, Prior Experience and Course Achievement"
Award or honor granted for a specific work Computer Science Lecturers Sep 2023


Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden opintoihin kiinnittymisen ja hyvinvoinnin haasteet pandemia-ajan etäopiskelussa

Vesa Korhonen, Hannu Pesonen, Elina E. Ketonen, Sanna Hangelin, Mikko Inkinen, Auli Toom 2023

Exploring the Interplay of Achievement Goals, Self-Efficacy, Prior Experience and Course Achievement

Hannu Pesonen, Juho Leinonen, Lassi Haaranen, Arto Hellas 2023 UKICER '23: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on United Kingdom & Ireland Computing Education Research

On Things that Matter in Learning Programming: Towards a Scale for New Programming Students

Hannu Pesonen, Arto Hellas 2022 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)

Weekly Fluctuations in Motivation in Introductory Programming

Hannu Pesonen, Arto Hellas 2022 UKICER 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research