Heidi Falkenbach

Associate Professor
Associate Professor
T213 Built Environment

Heidi Falkenbach is a professor of Real Estate Economics in the Department of Built Environment, Aalto University. Heidi’s research areas include real estate economics in a broad sense, she has published in international academic journals in the topic areas of real estate finance, real estate economics, and land policy.

Full researcher profile
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Areas of expertise

Real Estate Investment, Real estate, Commercial real estate, Real estate market, Real Estate Economics

Honors and awards

Kirjoittajapalkinto Maanmittaustieteiden seura ry, Finland

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2013

2018 Emerald Literati Awards: Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2018

2018 Emerald Literati Awards: Outstanding Reviewer for Property Management

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2018

Kirjoittajapalkinto Maanmittaustieteiden seura ry, Finland

Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Built Environment Jan 2010

Research groups

  • Real Estate, Professor (Associate Professor)


Diversification and Cost of Public Debt for REITs: Evidence from the US


Transit-induced socioeconomic ascent and new metro stations in Helsinki Metropolitan Area : Distinct effects on renters, homeowners, and pre-existing housing dwellers

Marjut Meriläinen, Aleksi Karhula, Antti Kurvinen, Heidi Falkenbach, Sanna Ala-Mantila 2024 Journal of Transport Geography

Kaavoituksen vaikutukset kiinteistöjen arvoihin ja maankäyttöpoliittisten keinojen muutosten vaikutusarviointi

Heidi Falkenbach, Pauliina Krigsholm, Hanna Kuivalainen, Babak Firoozi Fooladi, Sinikukka Pyykkönen 2023

Rusinat pullasta?

Heidi Falkenbach 2023

International diversification and European firm value : the role of operating efficiency

Islam Ibrahim, Heidi Falkenbach 2023 Journal of European Real Estate Research

Maapolitiikan tavoitteenasetanta: Mistä siinä on kyse ja miten sitä voitaisiin kehittää kunnissa?

Pauliina Krigsholm, Tuulia Puustinen, Tea Lönnroth, Heidi Falkenbach 2022 Maankäyttö

Understanding variation in municipal land policy strategies : An empirical typology

Pauliina Krigsholm, Tuulia Puustinen, Heidi Falkenbach 2022 Cities

Land policy conflict profiles for different densification types : A literature-based approach

Tuulia Puustinen, Pauliina Krigsholm, Heidi Falkenbach 2022 Land Use Policy

Maapolitiikan nykytila ja tulevaisuus

Heidi Falkenbach, Pauliina Krigsholm, Tea Lönnroth, Tuulia Puustinen, Ari Ekroos, Martti Häkkänen, Jeremias Kortelainen, Noora Luomala, Salla Rausmaa, Mia Toivanen 2021