
Honkala Johanna Karoliina

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Plenary speech topic: Understanding of the electrocatalytic reactions at the atomic scale through first principles calculations

Prof. Honkala Johanna Karoliina received her PhD in 2001 from University of Oulu in Finland. She is a full professor in Computational Nanocatalysis at University of Jyväskylä at the Department of Chemistry since 2006, and the vice-head of Department of Chemistry and the head of a physical chemistry section since 01/2018. 


5/2016-03/2017 Associate Professor at University of Jyväskylä 
3/2012-4/2016 University Researcher at University of Jyväskylä 
8/2006-4/2012 Academy Research Fellow University of Jyväskylä 
1/2005-7/2006 Academy post-doctoral fellow University of Jyväskylä 
4/2002-12/2004 Assistant Research Professor at Technical University of Denmark with Prof. J.K. Nørskov 
1/2002-3/2002 Väisälä Fellowship University of Oulu 
6/1996-12/2001 Doctoral Researcher University of Helsinki (06/1996-06/1997) and Oulu 


Current funding:  EIC Pathfinder From Horizon Europe, JTF grant  from Regional council of Central Finland, co-funded by the European Union, Project grant from Finnish Cultural Foundation , Partnership model funding from Business Finland,  Special Funding for EuroHPC from Academy of Finland.

Previous funding: Profi post doc funding from Academy of Finland, Project funding from Erkko foundation, C1 value program Academy of Finland, General research grant Academy of Finland, PRACE computer grant together with Prof. Hannu Häkkinen, Biofuture2025 Program Academy of Finland, General research grant Academy of Finland, Tekes, Funding for research expenses of Academy research fellow, Academy research fellow position, Junior research fellow position, Academy of Finland, PI.

Berzelius medal from Nordic Catalysis Society 2015. 
Member of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters since 2020 

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