Mika Järvinen
During the last 15 years, after my doctoral defence, I have been actively searching for new co-operation partners and fields of technology to extend the research selection that we can offer. Based on my own experience, being able to work on a broad spectrum of areas gives the research unit required flexibility in changing economic situations. For example, when being involved with energy, biomass, pulp and paper, metallurgy and waste to energy areas gives us continuity over longer period of time. Personally, this also helps to keep my mind open and it is easier to keep up motivation. I want to base my research work, and teaching on excellent knowledge on basic sciences: physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, mathematics, numerical modelling and programming skills. With these tools, you can be generic on the research topics. Of course, it is not possible to be an expert on everything, so you also need partners. Especially, when moving to a new field of industry. My current research can be divided into two main categories: sustainable bioenergy and on inter-linked circular economy: energy-materials-environment.
Areas of expertise
Honors and awards
Student prize: Best Dissertation of the Department of Machine Technology, 2002, former Helsinki University of Technology
Resonate award Caltech University, Resnick Institute, USA
Research groups
- Energy Conversion and Systems, Professor (Associate Professor)