
Muhammad Imran Asghar

Tampere University, Finland
Muhammad Imran Asghar

Prof. Muhammad Imran Asghar works in the Materials Science and Environmental Engineering unit at Tampere University, Finland. He holds the title of docent at the School of Science, Aalto University. In addition, he is a Professor in the Faculty of Physics and Electronics Science at Hubei University in China. He has been awarded with prestigious fellowship by Academy of Finland (2019-2024) and another talent 100 distinguished professor position by Hubei province China (2019-2024). He has been also working in the Finnish industry as well. He worked in Marioff Oy (UTC Climate, Control and security) for a year (2018-2019) and in a photovoltaic panel manufacturing company Solarwheeler Oy for a year (2013). 

He completed his Doctor of Science degree from Aalto University in June 2012, Master’s degree in Micro and Nanotechnology in October 2008 from Helsinki University of Technology and Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering in May 2005 from National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan. 

He has expertise in ceramic fuel cells & electrolysers, green hydrogen production (Power-to-X), dye-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, crystalline-silicon solar cells, batteries and other energy technologies. Furthermore, he is an expert on additive manufacturing technologies i.e. 3D printing and ink-jet printing. He has given over 45 invited talks and keynote speeches in renowned international forums and acted as session chairs in many conferences. He is a member of various scientific societies such as American Ceramic Society, European Ceramic Society, The Electrochemical Society, Finnish physical Society, and others.  He is an associate editor and promotor of prestigious journals including WIREs Energy and Environment, Wiley interdisciplinary reviews, Nanoenergy Advances and Frontiers of Chemical Science & Engineering. He has published over 80 international publications in reputed journals and international conference proceedings. He has supervised numerous Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral theses. He has been given several awards including “Outstanding contribution award” at the 6th Yangzi Rover Delta International Conference on New Energy for his research work on emerging energy technologies.

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