
Shetian Liu

Northeast Petroleum University, China

Invited speech topic: Reaction and process coupling strategies to enhance methane dehydroaromatization

Liu Shetian

Dr. Shetian Liu is a distinguished professor at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University. He earned his Ph.D from the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993, and has since amassed over three decades of experience in industrial and academic research focused on heterogeneous catalysis.

His career has encompassed significant roles at multinational corporations such as IHI Corporation of Japan, ConocoPhillips, and China Shenhua Energy Company Limited, as well as prestigious research institutions including the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Liu's research endeavors have resulted in over 20 invention patents, more than 60 academic research papers, and numerous internal research reports. His current research interests include pioneering novel catalytic processes and high-efficiency catalysts for hydrogen production, advancing the commercialization of fuel cell distributed energy systems, developing innovative technologies for environmental pollutant emission control, optimizing the activation and conversion of light alkanes through advanced process, reaction, and energy coupling techniques, and enhancing technologies for efficient biomass conversion and utilization.

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