Vikas Kumar Garg

Vikas Kumar Garg

Assistant Professor

My research interests span both theoretical and applied aspects of Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML)/Deep Learning (DL). Current focus is on applications of quantum methods & AI/ML/DL in Computational Biology and Healthcare (with an emphasis on protein and drug design), Material Synthesis,  Cybersecurity, Energy, E-commerce, Wireless systems, Blockchain technologies,  Energy, Internet of Things (IoT), Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing.     

Some ongoing projects include theory and applications of deep learning and quantum AI, human-assisted drug discovery, generative models, graphical models, and learning under uncertainty or resource constraints along with their intersections with optimization and game theory. Select recent publications can be found at:

We collaborate widely with academic and industrial experts. In the last few years, I've worked closely with several amazing researchers:

List of collaborators

Tommi Jaakkola: PhD supervisor (MIT)
Cynthia Rudin: SM supervisor (now at Duke University)
Raquel Urtasun:  MS supervisor (now at University of Toronto/Waabi)
Regina Barzilay and Stefanie Jegelka (MIT)
Adam Kalai and David Alvarez-Melis (Microsoft Research New England)
Steven Wu (CMU)
Katrina Ligett (Hebrew University and Caltech)
John Ingraham (now at Generate Biomedicines)
Inderjit Dhillon and Hsiang-Fu Yu (Amazon Research)
Lin Xiao (now at Facebook AI Research)
Ofer Dekel (Microsoft Research Redmond) 
Sukrit Shankar and Roberto Cipolla (University of Cambridge)
Risi Kondor (University of Chicago)
John Lafferty (now at Yale)

I'm also Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at YaiYai Oy, a company that provides cutting-edge quantum and AI/ML/DL solutions to startups, governments, and corporate powerhouses across the globe in multiple sectors including Biopharma, Retail, Manufacturing & Automation, IoT, Energy, FinTech, and Gaming.

Full researcher profile