Programme director's handbook

Using data of teaching and studying for programme development

Data about teaching and studying is one of the key bases that support the monitoring, evaluation and development of our education and programmes. This page describes the tools for collecting and analysing data that are available to the degree programmes and doctoral programmes.

Data-assisted educational development refers to the systematic use of data about and feedback from applicants, students, alumni, and teaching to support the monitoring and development of education.

The goal is for the degree programmes to have access to wide range of data to evaluate different aspects of the programme. This will enable the programme to analyse its viability comprehensively from different angles. Key information can include, for example, alumni employability as an indicator of programme's effectiveness, development of number of applicants as an indicator of programme's attractiveness, statistics and feedback about quality of teaching and learning, and also the programme results evaluated by the university KPIs (Key performance indicators).

Utilizing data in education on programme level is part of learning analytics, which as a larger concept covering analytics aims and solutions for student, teachers, advicing and guidance and educational development. 

Here you can find information, what learning analytics means and what solutions are offered in Aalto.

The Degree programme report tool (PowerBI cloud service report accessible via the browser, requiring Aalto network connection or VPN or MFA identification) is accessible to, e.g., degree programme directors, heads of majors and other other relevant school and LES staff.

The Degree programme report can be used to support monitoring and evaluation of programmes or majors or student progress. The tool provides group level statistics and a possibility to view student level data according to user rights. Access to more detailed data is determined according to Sisu information: you can access the data for those degree programmes or majors, in which you are identified as the responsible teacher in Sisu.

The report contains multiple individual reports. They have been grouped according to themes: objectives, attractiveness, quality and results. The themes associated with monitoring and evaluating degree programmes are explained in more detail in the Programme director's handbook
Currently the reports cover: 

Objectives reports

  • Master’s degree career monitoring survey, five years after graduation
  • TEK graduate survey, new graduates from ARTS, CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI 
  • The Finnish Business School Graduates -graduate survey

Attractiveness reports

  • Student marketing and recruitment and admissions report
  • Admissions statistics (at the moment link to reports) 
  • Marketing info of, web page analytics of the programmes' pages  (external link to Aalto google analytics) 

Quality reports

  • Bachelor’s feedback 
  • Course feedback (at the moment school level reports) 
  • AllWell? feedback 

Results reports

  • Bachelors’ and master’s degrees (number, target times, share of) 
  • Degrees pass rate 
  • Bachelor’s feedback (funding model average and response rate) 
  • Graduate employment 

Student info reports(includes also individual student level information) 

  • Student info (visible according to user rights: According to a programme, students and student number in degree programmes, individual students and their degrees, credits and theses) 

Degree programme report tool (PowerBI) (requires user rights)

Doctoral programme report (Power BI) (requires user rights)

You can use the doctoral programme report to support the evaluation of doctoral programmes and for monitoring the students' study progress.

If there are any problems, or if you need user rights, please contact

The following data sources might also be useful to you for educational development.

  1. Application statistics
  2. Course feedback report for teachers
  3. University KPI-dashboard (requires VPN connection)
  4. Key Information of Aalto University (requires VPN connect)

In addition, planning officers have an access to Sisu study register and OpiAnalyzer service which enables individual data and reports.

Kuva ryhmätyötä tekevistä opiskelijoista / kuvaaja Aalto-yliopisto Unto RautioUnto_Rautio

Evaluation and feedback processes in teaching and learning

Aalto University takes part in national and international evaluations, audits and benchmarking activities, and self-evaluates its own planning and implementation processes in the areas of teaching and learning. In addition, Aalto monitors its students’ academic progress, graduation and employment, and collects feedback on the quality of education and learning from employers and graduates. Internal and external evaluations are conducted in accordance with a multiyear evaluation programme.

Aalto Handbook
ITP student team working outside

The principles of feedback in education and student feedback in Aalto University

In Aalto, feedback is collected from students during different phases of their studies. Hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and training as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special area of focus in Aalto. Student guilds and organisations are also interested in and benefit from feedback and surveys.

Ihmisiä työskentelemässä yhdessä.

Making use of course feedback and reports

Aalto University pays special attention to the use of course feedback. With a view to achieving a broad impact, course feedback is used for various purposes: it is a tool not only for developing courses and teaching, but also for assessing teachers’ performance in MyDialogues and for other strategic and pedagogical development. Reports play a key role in this type of multi-level development work. In addition to the comprehensive reports designed specifically for teachers and leadership, all Aalto University employees have access to a summary of the student responses to the Aalto questions in the course feedback survey. This page contains information on how to make use of course feedback and the reports available. For instructions on how to process course feedback, see the bottom of the page.

Four people sitting on the stairs near School of Business and Väre, in sunlight

Curriculum development

The aim of curriculum design is a programme that helps students acquire the competence they will need in their field in the future and to acquire it within the target time frame. In this page, we have described the stages of curriculum development and instructions for each stage. You can find also tools and working templates to carry out each stage.

Programme director's handbook

The AllWell? student survey

The AllWell? student survey is sent to all Aalto’s 2nd year bachelor's and 1st year master's students every year.

A person typing on a laptop, with notebook and table open, sun shines on the items

Learning analytics support and development

This page describes what learning analytics solutions Aalto University offers and how to get support for using them.

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