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Errors in approved theses are corrected on an errata page
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The Bachelor’s Thesis is a formal document that requires from a student both a formal proposal and a defense in the thesis seminar. The thesis process takes place once each academic year.
The Bachelor’s Thesis must be written in English. Detailed instructions on the thesis are provided in special info sessions attended by all thesis students. All thesis materials are available on the MyCourses workspace of the thesis group.
It should be noted that the grade given for Bachelor's Thesis cannot be improved later.
Once the Bachelor’s Thesis is completed, all candidates for the BSc degree must complete and pass the Maturity Test (0 cr). The purpose of the test is to demonstrate
Write your maturity test in Finnish or Swedish, if one of these languages was your language of education in your secondary level education. If you have not studied the secondary level education in Finnish or Swedish, it is possible to apply for an exemption in order to write the maturity test in English. You have to have the exemption granted before taking the maturity test.
The Maturity test is completed by writing a one-page executive summary or press release based on the Bachelor’s thesis. The Maturity test is accepted given that both the content and the linguistic form are accepted. The grading principle is pass/fail. Your thesis supervisor will examine the content of your thesis for your conversance with the topic, and a proofreader will check the language of your thesis.
Write a one-page executive summary or press release based on your Bachelor’s thesis (spacing 1.15, font type Calibri, font size 11, all margins 2 cm). In the text, you should cover the findings and implications/significance of your research. Pay attention to the legibility and the linguistic clarity of your text. Please note that the Maturity test is an independent text without references to your thesis.
Information on the maturity test writing session can be found from the Thesis Instructions document.
Instructions for executive summary
The purpose of an executive summary is to support managerial decision-making. In contrast to the abstract of your thesis, your task in the executive summary is to convince your readers of the utility of your research and its practical application in economy and/or business, and to talk the readers into “buying” your research findings.
Structure your summary in an explicit way: introduce the findings and significance of your research, including the solution you recommend for the problem addressed, as well as explain how the research benefits a specific target group or groups. Use sub-headings that arouse interest.
Instructions for press release
Write a press release about your Bachelor’s thesis that could be published in a newspaper, magazine or in social media. The purpose of the press release is to present the central findings and significance of your research in a way that would interest the public.
Based on the intended target audience, start the press release with the issues that you think they would find the most interesting. The press release should have an interest-creating main heading, a starting paragraph that summarizes the essentials of your topic, and then sub-headings and other paragraphs that cover the details of the topic.
The Bachelor’s Thesis process begins in October. Your work on the thesis begins immediately with exploratory and developmental stages of the thesis. You will have some information sessions and workshops, and three required personal consultations with your supervisor during the process. Note that the Literature Review workshop is mandatory for all thesis students. The supervisors will inform you how the consultations are arranged. Supervisors will provide additional information to their respective group during these consultations. We strongly encourage you to work intensively with the thesis from the beginning in order to proceed according to the planned schedule.
You can find here below the list of Selected Bachelor's Thesis topics to give examples what the topics could be. You can choose your topic from this list or have a topic of your own. You will inform your topic to the study office with the Indication of Interest Area form.
The Thesis Instructions document includes the schedule, deadlines and information on all steps and requirements for the thesis process.
You can find the BSc Thesis Template, Guidelines for thesis writing and using the thesis template for Mikkeli students, Grading Rubric and other relevant thesis process documents from MyCourses in November after the thesis groups have been formed.
Indication of interest area for Bachelor's Thesis (Word document)
Turnitin - an aid for skilful writing and prevention of plagiarism
Instructions on the use of errata page