
Master's Programme in Chemical, Biochemical and Materials Engineering

Starting your studies

Orientation at CHEM

Studies for the academic year 2024–2025 begin during the orientation week from August 26 to August 30, 2024.

Participation in the orientation week is very important for the smooth start of the studies. During the week, you will meet your fellow students and teachers for the first time, socialize at events organized by guilds, receive support for course selections and study systems, as well as have the opportunity to handle official matters related to daily life.

The programme-specific orientation is very important to attend also for students who continue their studies after a bachelor's degree at Aalto. Please attend the programme-specific orientation if you graduate during the calendar year 2024.

Webinar: Planning your studies in Sisu

Aalto CHEM will organize a Zoom webinar to help you to plan your studies. The webinar date will be confirmed later, but will most likely be organized on the week preceding the orientation week.

Tutoring at CHEM

If you are a new student at Aalto, we will share your contact information with a student tutor who will contact you in August. Each new student who completed their bachelor's degree outside Aalto is assigned a student tutor who has completed tutor training.

Tutors are senior students who help new students during the orientation week and at the beginning of their studies. Tutoring is carried out in cooperation between the tutors, Aalto University personnel and student organizations. Each major and programme has their own tutors who introduce students to the campus, student organization activities (e.g. Prosessiteekkarit & AYY) and student life in general.

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Masters students

Information for new masters students

New students
Student guide illustration, international students

International students

This section of the Student Guide helps with tasks that new international bachelor's and master's degree as well as exchange students need to take care of after admission, especially if you are moving to Finland for the first time. The section should be read along with the general instructions for new bachelor's, master's and exchange students. Also included is further information about living in Finland when you are settling in.

International students

Campus maps, addresses and opening hours in Otaniemi

Here you will also find restaurants, the map, the Aalto Space mobile app, access control - all practical information on one page! You can also visit the campus virtually.

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