
Master's Programme in Hydrogen and Electric Systems


Agree on the topic with a professor

Register to ELEC-E0210 Master's thesis process (if applicable)

If ELEC-E0210 is part of your major's compulsory courses, remember to register for the course. The course is compulsory in many programmes in ELEC and students from programmes where it is not compulsory can also attend. Register for the course as soon as you have agreed on the topic with your supervisor. The course supports you in the initial stages of your thesis. Register in Sisu and then proceed to the further steps according to the instructions on the course's MyCourses page.

Apply for Master’s thesis topic approval

Apply for approval of the thesis topic as soon as you start the thesis process. For the topic application it is sufficient that you have agreed on the topic in a broad sense, i.e. the field of the thesis. The final title of the thesis emerges during the thesis work, and it has to be within the field of the original topic application. The thesis topic is officially approved by the Degree Programme Committee. Committee also approves the language of the thesis as well as the thesis supervisor and advisor(s). See application deadlines at the end of the page.

Write the Master’s thesis

Thesis work in brief consists of topic definition, research plan, literature review, experiments, analysis and conclusion. It is essential to start writing the actual thesis from the very beginning and continue the writing process throughout each phase of your research.

The evaluation of the Master's thesis is based on the School of Electrical Engineering common guideline for thesis evaluation. By reading the guideline you will get an idea of what is expected of a Master's thesis.

Give a seminar presentation

A seminar presentation about the topic of your thesis is a compulsory requirement in the approval process. The schedule and the arrangements of the presentation are agreed with the supervisor.  When applying for the thesis approval you must indicate if you have already held the seminar presentation or inform the agreed date of the presentation. Please note that the seminar presentation must be completed at the latest in the deadline for submitting theses and applications.

Notification of seminar presentation below

Maturity essay

According to the Universities Act 794/2004 students are required to complete a maturity essay. The abstract of your thesis will serve as the maturity essay. Hence, you don't need to agree on writing a maturity essay separately with your supervisor. When you submit your thesis with an abstract completed according to the instruction in the master's thesis template, your maturity essay is considered done.

Apply for the approval of your Master’s thesis

The Master’s thesis will be evaluated in the Degree Programme Committee meeting. The topic of the thesis must still be valid at the time of thesis approval. The topic is valid for one year from topic approval. See application deadlines for the approval of Master’s thesis at the end of the page.

Application deadlines for applying Master’s thesis topic approval and the approval of Master’s thesis

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