Master's Programme in Information and Service Management
Recommended timetable
You can time your studies using the Timeline tab on Sisu. Depending on your programme and the year you started your studies, there are also timing templates that you can use to help time your studies. Instructions on using the Timeline tab.
The study calendar view is handy when you want to see how the lectures are distributed during the week within the teaching period. Lecture times are found for the current academic year and published in summer for the next academic year. Instructions on using the Study calendar view.
Here you can find guidelines for timing and planning your studies in the Master’s programme in Information and Service Management.
To complete the degree in 2 years, it is recommended to spread out courses to each of the 5 periods evenly. This would mean about 12 credits per period, but depending on your choices, one period can be heavier than another.
Degree requirements can be found on page Curriculum 2024-2026. You can find course descriptions and schedules on Sisu (
Recommended studies for the 1st year of studies:
- the compulsory core programme studies (12 cr)
- all or most of the ISM elective studies (33-39cr); you can take for example one elective course per period depending on your course choices.
- minor studies / degree's elective studies (approximately 9-15cr)
- Master's thesis seminar can be started in spring of 1st year by listening presentations and thinking about own topic. FAQ about thesis and seminar.
Recommended studies for the 2nd year of studies:
- Capstone course (6 cr)
- Master's Thesis Seminar (3 cr) ; start of seminar 1st year spring OR 2nd year autumn
- Master's Thesis (30 cr) and Maturity Test (0 cr)
minor studies / degree's elective studies (approximately 15-27 cr)
ISM programme studies
The ISM programme studies include a lot of freedom of choice. You can specialize in business analytics, information systems science or supply chain management. You can either take courses from a certain specialization area or you can mix courses from different areas. The specialization area won’t be marked in the diploma. However, it is recommended to choose majority of the courses from one specialization area to get deep understanding on one field.
There's no certain order how to complete the compulsory and elective ISM courses so you can plan them freely. However, some courses might have some recommended prerequisites so remember to check them in the course description. Capstone course and master's thesis are recommended for the 2nd year studies.
See the pdf-file below this section for courses 2024-26.
Timing suggestions are now available for BA track, ISS and SCM will be added later.
Guidance and ideas for planning your ISM studies is also gathered in Aalto BT subject club website on Study Paths tab. The paths are formed in collaboration with teachers and students.
Minor / degree elective studies
Minor is not a compulsory part of the degree. You can choose whether you want to complete all the degree electives (approximately 36 cr) from different subjects or if you want to do a minor plus electives (for example minor 24 cr + electives 12 cr). If you choose to do a minor, you can choose it from the minor list. Also, if you choose to do only electives, the list of minors is one of the best ways to browse through courses from the subjects that interest you. Because some minor courses are offered only once a year, it might be good to plan some minor courses already for your 1st year of studies. If you do a student exchange, it will always be your minor (24 cr) and you need to include it in your degree.
Electives can be any courses that support your degree. Electives can be basic, intermediate or advanced level courses from Aalto or another university. You can also choose to do more ISM studies or a larger minor. You can take language courses if you are interested in languages. If you have an internship or work experience related to economics and business, you can get 3 or 6 cr of it and place the internship to your electives. You can include intermediate ISM courses in the elective studies if you didn't include them in your bachelor's degree yet.
Remember to leave enough time for the thesis. Do not take too many courses at the same time. Alongside the thesis you can take courses that support your thesis process, for example the contents of the course relate to your thesis topic. Usually the thesis and seminar (in total 33 cr) are completed in one year or one semester depending on your pace, your goals, etc. It is recommended to talk to your supervisor about your goals when the thesis seminar starts. You can find FAQ here and more about master's thesis and seminar in the seminar's MyCourses page (with code ISM-E5001).
If you have any doubts regarding planning of studies or timetables, please contact the planning officer of the programme.
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