
Master's Programme in Life Science Technologies

Orientation information for the majors BIOINFO, BME, BIOSENS, CS, and NEURO

Congratulations on your admission, and welcome to study at Aalto University! On this page you will find the orientation programme and instructions for starting your studies.

Prepare for your master’s studies:

  1. Follow instructions for new students on page New Master's students and this page.
  2. Read carefully newsletters emailed to new students during summer.
  3. Activate your Aalto IT user account in July.
  4. After you have activated your Aalto IT Account, complete the preorientation in the MyCourses learning platform:
  5. Reserve time for events during orientation week.
  6. The orientation week is organized 26–30 August 2024. The official orientation programme, organised by the university, is held during office hours. There are many events and gatherings organised by student tutors in the evenings as well.
  7. Participate in orientation events.
  8. Start your studies: first courses begin on 2 September 2024. You will receive detailed instructions for creating your study plan in August.

Participating in the orientation is an important part of starting your studies at Aalto. During the orientation you become familiar with studying and student life, your courses, study environment and university practices. You also receive information about services available to you, and get to know your fellow students, tutors, staff, and faculty.

Attending the orientation events and activities is highly recommended for all new students. However, if you cannot attend, please inform your planning officer and read the information provided on these pages.

Orientation week

The orientation week takes place 26 -3O August. 

Masters students

Information for new masters students

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Campus maps, addresses and opening hours in Otaniemi

Here you will also find restaurants, the map, the Aalto Space mobile app, access control - all practical information on one page! You can also visit the campus virtually.

Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

Support for starting your studies

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