
Master's Programme in Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering

This site contains the student study guide for the Master's Programme in Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering. Here you will find the programme curriculum as well as detailed guidelines for planning your studies. All the materials and instructions are for the students in the programme. If you are interested in applying to the programme, follow the link at the bottom of the site to the application page.

Description of the programme

Master's Programme in Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering (SPT) is organized by the School of Engineering.

Urban realities are becoming increasingly dynamic, complex and fragmented while demands for their liveability, sustainability,  competitiveness, and attractiveness increase. This requires new skills in  systemic understanding, problem-solving, and integrative planning and  policy-making beyond sectorial boundaries.

This programme focuses on important future challenges of sustainable built environment, tackling topical global megatrends, such as urbanization and need for greener cities. The uniqueness of the program is its focus on a wide range of approaches from people’s daily life and mobility to large scale strategic and systemic thinking necessary for shaping the built  environment.

You will gain excellent competencies to work for smarter and more liveable cities and to respond to emerging issues of constantly changing built environments and technologies. In addition to a strong theoretical basis, you will acquire insights into current research themes, and capabilities in applying a variety of planning and analysis tools in contemporary tasks of land use and transportation. Through interactive learning methods, you will gain hands-on experiences on a range of urban themes and methodologies. Engaged in studio courses, you will learn systemic thinking, creative problem-solving, ethical reflectivity, as well as tools for participatory processes and communication skills in various forums and through various media. Moreover, you will be able to critically interpret and process knowledge from multiple sources and implement this knowledge in a variety of complex urban processes.

More information about Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering (research group)

Bachelor students at Aalto University

If you are studying your bachelor's degree at Aalto University in a school of technology, you can continue to the Master's Programme in Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering if you meet the requirements.

For more information, please see: Maisteriohjelmassa jatkaminen


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Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering, Master of Science (Technology)

Making smarter and more liveable cities requires new skills that integrate land use and transportation. The Master's Programme in Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering offers the skills you need to design and develop urban and regional systems. The programme combines technical and human-centered approaches in land use planning and transportation engineering.

How to apply
Students looking at SPT studio course

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