Väre Exhibitions
Väre Exhibitions, School of Art, Architecture and Design
Winter Exhibitions:
04.01-08.02.2019 // FE Lobby // Exhibition organised by Piia Lempiäinen
07.01-23.02.2019 // K Corridor // Stucturalism Exhibition organised by Luka Piskorec
11.01-31.01.2019 // V1 Gallery // Autumn Salon Exhibition organised by Tuomo Saali
14.01-30.01 // FK Lobby // Ceramics Exhibition organised by Siina Levonoja
21.01-10.02.2019 // V2 Gallery // The Infiltrators by artist group ART4, Exhibition organised by Jaana Brinck, Riikka Latva-Somppi, Merja Ranki and Outi Turpeinen Exhibition organised by ART4 Group
21.01-10.02.2019 // Main Lobby // Exhibition organised by Ransu Helenius
01.02-05.02.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // Design - 3D Printing Exhibition organised by Nur Horsanalı
05.02-24.02.2019 // Piano Lobby // ViCCA course exhibition organised by Naya Magaliou
06.02-20.02.2019 // V1 Gallery // Exhibition organised by Tomi Dufva
10.02-30.02.2019 // FE Lobby // Exhibition organised by Laura Isoniemi
11.02-01.03.2019 // Main Lobby, V2 Gallery, LQ Lobby, Kipsari Lobby // Sculpture now! Course exhibition organised by Andy Best
11.02-01.03.2019 // F Lobby // BA Glass Design exhibition organised by Gianluca Giabardo
12.02-20.02.2019 // FK Lobby // Exhibition organised by Petra Haikonen
21.02-14.03.2019 // FK Lobby // Exhibition organised by Elina Kuusisto-Korczak
22.02-07.03.2019 // V1 Gallery // 'Seeing sound, Listening to image' Exhibition organised by Lee Cheong Un
01.03-21.03.2019 // Main Lobby // Exhibition organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher
02.03-10.03.2019 // V2 Gallery // ‘Harmony-dissonance’ Exhibition organised by Antton Nuotio
08.03.2019 // Product Launch organised by Pirita Posti
11.03-30.03.2019 // V1 Gallery, V2 Gallery // ‘OCCUPY EARTH’ Exhibition organised by ViCCA course in collaboration with Parsons School of Design in New York
14.03-26.03.2019 // F Lobby // “Ways of Making 2: Constructing sculpture from wood and metal” course exhibition organised by Jukka Lehtinen
15.03-29.03.2019 // FK Lobby // Fashion History course work - Exhibition organised by Elina Peltonen
18.03-25.03.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // Exhibition organised by Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen
19.03-12.04.2019 // FE Lobby // "Figured mind Creative methods in Surface Design” exhibition organised by Laura Isoniemi
23.03.2019 // Main Lobby // AYY Event organised by Niko Ferm
25.03-31.03.2019 // LQ Lobby // Exhibition organised by Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen
28.03-30.01.2019 // F Lobby // Sculptural Installation organised by Aija Hannula
27.03-12.04.2019 // F Lobby, Kipsari Lobby, K Corridor // Exhibition organised by Inka Nieminen
Spring Exhibitions:
01.04-22.04.2019 // LQ Lobby // Finalists International Competition of Landscape Architecture
01.04-05.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Aalto strategy related voting station at Väre organised by Tarja Peltoniemi
02.04-15-04.2019 // FE Lobby // 'New Materials and Means of Production' Exhibition organised by Oldouz Moslemian
02.04.2019 // V2 Gallery // Sara Urbanski MA presentation
03.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Filming across Väre and A BLOCK organised by Noora Stapleton
03.04-17.04.2019 // FK Lobby // ‘Structure - Rakenn’ Ceramic Workshop, Art Education students
05.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Event organised by Mary-Ann Alfthan
06.04-22.04.2019 // LQ Lobby // ‘Experiment: Language’ - BA Students in Visual Communication Design exhibition organised by Arja Karhumaa
08-18.04.2019 // V1 Gallery // ´(Non) Sense´ Exhibition of UWAS-C0044 Multisensorial Art and Design Practices - Exhibition organised by Riikka Latva-Somppi
09.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Career Services of Aalto University event organised by Heidi-Maaria Flinkman
09.04-26-04.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘A Bolt Out of The Blue Woven Shibori' by Jiayi Ma
13.04-30.04.2019 // F Lobby // MA Thesis Exhibition organised by Greta Salonen
15.04-08.05.2019 // Bridge // Architecture Department - Masters Theses organised by Ransu Helenius
15.04-29.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Building Technology and Basics of Architecture from the Department of Architecture exhibition organised by Osma Lindroos
15.04-06.05.2019 // Kipsari Lobby, K Corridor // Landscape Architecture exhibition organised by Varpu Mikola
18.04-03.05.2019 // FK Lobby // BA Architecture Course work - "Kalustesuunnittelu III B"
26.04.2019 // V1 Gallery // Don't Shop, SWAP! (Part of the Fashion Revolution Week) organised by Manuel Arias Barrantes
27.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Event organised by Elina Karjalainen
29.04-13.05.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘Plastic Crush’ MA Project by Orcum Erdem
29.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Learning Services Event organised by Tiina Kotti
01.05-19.05 // V1 Gallery // VICCA Images, Tropes and Narratives course exhibition organised by Johanna Ketola
01.05-19.05.2019 // V2 Gallery // 'Fibres & layers-material thoughts on/with wool' exhibition by Bilge Merve Aktas
01.05-15.05.2019 // F Lobby // ‘Maestro Xs Grand Symphony' - An Exhibition by students of Ways of Making 3 - Kinetic and robotic sculpture
06.05-17.05.2019 // FK Lobby // ‘From Structure to Product and Production’ Exhibition
07.05-15.05.2019 // Main Lobby, Kipsari Lobby // ‘The Art of Heat' Exhibition
07.05-19.05.2019 // K Corridor // Exhibition organised by Esa Vesmanen
16.05-31.05 // Kipsari Lobby // Other Intelligences Course Exhibition-UWAS
16.05-31.05 // F Lobby // Aistipaviljonkinäyttely' Exhibition from Concrete Architecture Department
17.05.2019 // Main Lobby // Urban Academy and the Living+ Platform event 'The change of the subway and train stations (“Asemanseudut muutoksessa”)
20.05-03.06.2019 // Piano Lobby // Creative Coding Course Exhibition-UWAS
20.05-05.06.2019 // V1 Gallery, V2 Gallery, Bridge // BA Design - Artistic Expression. Exhibition organised by Petra Haikonen & Raija Malka
20.05-31.05.2019 // FK Lobby // Visual Communication Design BA students course Koe: Koe organised by Penni Osipow
20.05-07.06.2019 // Main Lobby, K Corridor, FE Lobby // BoA’19 Exhibition: ‘Design has entered Otaniemi’
Summer Exhibitions:
01.06-21.06.2019 // FK Lobby // Exhibition organised by Gianluca Giabardo
06.06-27.06.2019 // V1 Gallery // MA Thesis exhibition organised by Liisa Poskiparta
06.06-11.06.2019 // V2 Gallery // Exhibition organised by Erika Hirsimäki
10.06-15.06.2019 // Main Lobby // Exhibition organised by Tatu Pohjola
13.06-27.06.2019 // FE Lobby // Fashion – Places and Spaces, Summer School Exhibition
17.06-12.07.2019 // Main Lobby // Hanasaari Re-Use
01.07-15.01.2019 // V1 Gallery, V2 Gallery // Soft Robotics Exhibition by Avner Peled
10.08-20-08.2019 // V1 Gallery // Design for End of Life Care: Organised by Laura Arpiainen
21.08-31.08 // V1 Gallery // ‘CIRCUITBREAKER' by Samir Bhownik
Autumn Exhibitions:
04.09-26.09.2019 // K Corridor // 'Urban Transitions and Futures' as part of Helsinki Design Week
04.09-26.09.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘Circwood’ as part of Helsinki Design Week
04.09-26.09.2019 // FK Lobby // ‘Newsilk’ as part of Helsinki Design Week
04.09-26.09.2019 // V1 Gallery // ‘Nordic Rebels’ as part of Helsinki Design Week
04.09-26.09.2019 // V2 Gallery // ‘Suomi 100 years Cruise Ship’ as part of Helsinki Design Week
04.09-26.09.2019 // Main Lobby // ‘Urban Facades’ as part of Helsinki Design Week
04.09-26.09.2019 // LQ Lobby // ‘CoCea, Fold & Sustain, Package projects’ as part of Helsinki Design Week
25.09-27.09 // Kipsari Lobby // 3DKERA Pop-up Exhibition: Organised by Nur Horsanali
30.09-30.10.2019 // Bridge // Department of Architecture Masters Theses: Organised by Ransu Helenius
01.10-15.10.2019 // V1 Gallery // Tuuli Saarelainen: M.A. Thesis work
02.10.2019 // Main Lobby, LQ Lobby, FE Lobby, FK Lobby, K Corridor, F Lobby // EIT Festival & Hackathon
04.10-18.10.2019 // FK Lobby // The City of Szymborska by Xu Xiaoyi
04.10-25.10.2019 // LQ Lobby // Finalists International Competition of Landscape Architecture programmes: Organised by Juanjo Galan
08.10-10.10.2019 // K Corridor // Landmark 30 Exhibition: Organised by Meri Mannerla-Magnusson
10.10.2019 // Main Lobby, FE Lobby, LQ Lobby, K Corridor, Kipsari Lobby // Shaking Up Tech
10.10-27.11.2019 // V2 Gallery // Gloria Lauterbach 'Storm-Sing-Along, exhibited'
11.10-22.10.2019 // Main Lobby // ‘Zero Gravity 2.0' Exhibition Organised by Günther Filz, Athanasios Markou and Serenay Elmas
14.10-22.10.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘Visual-ized Me' Course exhibition: Organised by Laura Isoniemi
16.10-22.10.2019 // F Lobby // ‘Electricity at Large' UWAS Course Exhibition: Organised by Gregoire Rousseau
16.10-31.10.2019 // K Corridor // Critical Practices course of MA FaCT and CoDe Exhibition: Organised by Julia Lohmann and Namkyu Chun
17.10-31.10.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // ‘WOOD FIRED' Exhibition: Organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher in collaboration with GULDAGERGAARD Summer School 2019, Skaelskör, Denmark
23.10-24.10.2019 // F Lobby // Ceramic Course Critique: Organised by Eeva Jokinen
23.10-29.10.2019 // Main Lobby // Discourse in Design’ Course Exhibition: MA Visual Communication Design Programme: Organised by Arja Karhumaa and Robynn McPherson
24.10-21.11.2019 // V1 Gallery // ClimATE Exhibition: 'To Flavour Our Tears: AnthroAquaponics Systems' by The Center for Genomic Gastronomy
24.10.2019 // FK Lobby, LQ Lobby // BA Design course in 3D Printing and Ceramics- Launch Event: Organised by Cindy Kohtala and Oscar Person
25.10-08.11.2019 // FE Lobby, F Lobby, FK Lobby // Textiles Today Summit Exhibition-FaCT, DoD: Organised by Maarit Salolainen
28.10-14.11.2019 // V2 Gallery // Meri Oivo: M.A. Thesis work 'Product + Spatial Design Program' - Hauras maisema – Näyttely
30.10-01.11.2019 // Main Lobby // ELO 60 Short Film Competition: Organised by Jonna Utriainen and Ilkka Mertsola
01.11-14.11.2019 // K Corridor // Design BA1 Course Exhibition: Organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher
02.11-14.11.2019 // Main Lobby // ELO 60 Exhibition: Organised by Susanna Suurla
08.11-14.11.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // ARK-E1008 Mazzano Romano Workshop Exhibition: Organised by Egle Pilipaviciute
14.11-21.11.2019 // G203 workshop // ‘Sonic Sculpture' Course Exhibition: Organised by Derek Holzer
14.11-29.11.2019 // F Lobby // ‘Tensile Structure' Building Technology: Department of Architecture Exhibition: Organised by Elina Koivisto
15.11-17.11.2019 // Main Lobby, FE Lobby, LQ Lobby, FK Lobby, Kipsari Lobby, K Corridor, F Lobby // Hackathon Junction 2019
22.11-06.12.2019 // V1 Gallery // ‘Borderline' A collaborative exhibition by Sara Urbanski & Piia Jalkanen
22.11-09.12.2019 // LQ Lobby // ‘The Anthrobscene' Media and the Environment course Exhibition: Organised by Samir Bhowmik
23.11.2019 // Main Lobby // Information networks Guild Athene-Annual ball-20th anniversary celebration
Winter Exhibitions:
03.12.2019-13.01.2020 // FK Lobby // Experimental Textile Design Course Exhibition: Organised by Oldouz Moslemian and Eeva Suorlahti
04.12-18.12.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // ‘Visiting Other Pasts' Course Exhibition: Organised by Kaisa Lassinaro
09.12.2019-10.01.2020 // V1 Gallery // `Sound of Alchemy` exhibition by Rainer Paananen
09.12.2019-10.01.2020 // V2 Gallery // `Your Gaze is a Loaded Gun` exhibition by Noora Isoeskeli
12.12-14.12.2019 // K Corridor // ‘Wooden Bridge' Building Technology: Department of Architecture Exhibition: Organised by Elina Koivisto
13.12.2019-09.01.2020 // LQ Lobby // `Functional Clothing and Material` course exhibition by Ilona Hyötyläinen
12.12.2019 // Main Lobby, K Corridor // Performances as part of 'Mediums & dimensions' course organised by Pia Euro
17.12.2019 // Main Lobby // Tekstiilimallisto: BA Fashion & BA Design - Course Critique organised by Anna-Mari Leppisaari
Väre Exhibitions, School of Art, Architecture and Design
List of previous exhibitions at Väre 2020
How can we make space for unexpected ways of looking at the world? Galleries and exhibition venues are co-produced spaces for action, bringing together the knowledge, content, vision, and passion of different agents.