School of Chemical Engineering

Activities of ITICAT2024

Information on the activities of ITICAT2024 are introduced.

Wine Reception

Time: 18:00-21:00, 10th July 2024

Location: Café Ursula, Ehrenströmintie 3, 00140 Helsinki

A private room in the bar has been booked for the participants. Two kinds of wine, four flavors of sandwiches, some soft drinks, and cakes are prepared for participants.

Please contact registration desk if you need transportation tickets.



Time: 18:00-21:45, 11th July 2024

Location: Nuuksion Taika, Paratiisintie 115, 03300 Otalampi


18:00 - THE BUS for participants to the restaurant will departure at 18:00 from the car parking between Chemical Engineering School and the subway station building of Aalto University.

19:00 - THE PROGRAM STARTS at Wäinölä's campfire site or log cabin. Welcome music, handing out ribbons, welcome and non-alcohol drinks to toast

19:15 - APPETIZERS ready on the tables. Nuuksio bread (L, on request also G) with Cavi-Art filling (seaweed caviar, vegetarian food). Kalevala stories and songs, in which everyone can participate.

19:45 - MAIN COURSE on a board, wood and clay dishes, plus water and wine glasses (L,G).

20:30 - DESSERT.

21:45 - PROGRAM END. The bus will departure to return back to Aalto University.


Forest Hiking and Blueberry Picking

Time: 13:00-16:00, 12th July 2024

Location: Pirttimäki Outdoor Recreation Area, Kunnarlantie 110, 02740 Espoo

The bus with round trip is booked for participants. Some tools for blueberry picking are prepared.

The bus will departure at 13:00 from the the car parking between Chemical Engineering School and the subway station building of Aalto University. 

The bus will return from Pirttimäki to Aalto University at 16:00.

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