School of Chemical Engineering

Experiences from a Chemistry major student, Erkka Vähä-Pietilä

Interview with 2nd year master’s student Erkka Vähä-Pietilä about his studies in Chemistry major
Chemistry major student Erkka Vähä-Pietilä

B.Sc. Erkka Vähä-Pietilä, second year major student

Why was Chemistry you choice for master studies?

I have always been interested in chemical phenomena and practical applications of chemistry. That's why it was natural for me to pick the Chemistry major.

How do you feel about the studies?

Studies in Chemistry major give a broad outlook on different areas of chemistry but also give student a possibility to get deeper in the area they have chosen, e.g. inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry or organic chemistry. There is also a good mix of theory and practical work on this major. I recommend it to people who are interested in some certain area of chemistry, but still have overall interest in the field of chemistry.

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