School of Chemical Engineering

Why to choose the School of Chemical Engineering?

At Aalto University, we know that a world-class education is only part of the experience. We offer a tremendous student life, an international landscape and a thriving community. As an Aalto University student, you have excellent opportunities to become more internationally orientated and globally competent during your studies.
Image of lots of students wearing blue overalls and making a handsign for their guild

Student associations can be a big part of your university path. They organize different events, like participating in sports and field trips to different companies working in the field of chemical engineering. The associations also support students in their studies and promote their interests at the university level.

At the School of Chemical Engineering, Prosessiteekkarit ry (The Association of Process Engineering Students ) take care of the first-year students. They are responsible for introducing you  to university life and to be a part of the Aalto community. Aside from Prosessiteekkarit, we have three guilds that are specialized in our different fields of studies. Kemistikilta (Chemistry Guild), Vuorimieskilta (Guild of Materials and Metallurgy Students) ja Puunjalostajakilta (Forest Products Guild)are active in the community by organizing events with other associations.

Our students are a part of the teekkari community. Teekkari are university students who study in the fields of technology, they have a long history and lots of traditions.

We also have international students coming from all over the world to study at Aalto.

Student stories

Our students tell about their own perspective on studies

    Image of Jani Anttila smiling

    When I started my studies, I had plans to graduate as quickly as I could. My mind changed as soon as I started my first semester. I realized that Aalto is more then just studying for exams and collecting study points. Aalto University as a community provides something for everyone. Through guild activities and volunteer work, I´ve learned a lot about teamwork and leadership. I’ve also gained lifelong friends here.

    Jani Anttila

    An image of Krista Lindqvist and two of her study friends in blue student overalls

    I´ve always been interested in environmental issues and more energy efficient solutions. Chemical engineering provides concrete solutions for these problems. We don’t just discuss the issues; we also solve them!

    Krista Lindqvist

    Read more stories


    The people of the School of Chemical Engineering

    What kind of career opportunities are there if you study chemical engineering? Get to know our alumni, students, and faculty members!

    School of Chemical Engineering
    Aalto staff or students working

    Students blog (external link)

    Our student ambassadors


    Students in lab with protective gear

    Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

    Local and global challenges caused by global warming, pandemic events, or over consumption are becoming more and more complex and urgent. Interdisciplinary actions are needed to solve them. The Chemical Engineering major offers a highly multidisciplinary education including mathematics, computational tools, chemistry, biochemistry, life sciences, and chemical engineering.

    Study options

    Working life

    An image of a student making calculations on paper

    Aalto CHEM graduates in working life

    CHEM master's graduates are successful and satisfied.

    School of Chemical Engineering

    Student life in pictures

    The study life in Otaniemi has a rich culture.

      Aalto Day 1 2019_students, deans and Aalto management

      Photo: Aalto University / Mikko Raskinen

      Aalto Day 1 2019_competition

      Photo: Aalto University / Mikko Raskinen

      Aalto Day 1 2019_Tivoli

      Photo: Aalto University / Mikko Raskinen

      Aalto Day 1 2018_students

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_students

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_students and management

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_games

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_students and management

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_students

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_tivoli

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_cheerleading

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      Aalto Day 1 2018_students

      Photo: Aalto University / Heidi Strengell

      CHEM students 2019

      Photo: Aalto University / Kitty Norros

      Prosessiteekkarit ry

      The Association of Process Engineering Students (Prosessiteekkarit ry) receives new students starting their studies in the Chemical Engineering bachelor’s programme in the School of Chemical Engineering at Aalto University and familiarises them with university life and the Aalto community.

      Visit the website of Prosessiteekkarit who are responsible for welcoming freshers to the school
      An image of two students wearing blue overalls
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