
Aalto's Electronic Laboratory Notebook - Aalto Notebook

Aalto Notebook ( is an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) platform that in its most basic form replicates a paper laboratory notebook. With Aalto Notebook you get a secure, modern and compliant system to track your experiments efficiently but also manage your lab with a powerful and versatile database.

In addition, Aalto Notebook offers several advantages over traditional paper notebooks; it facilitates better data management practices, a more sustainable knowledge base, and relatively seamless collaboration between researchers.
Image of a laboratory

Aalto Notebook facilitates data management practices in line with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles, and is beneficial for researchers in capturing, organizing, and managing research data. 

Requirements to use Aalto Notebook

  • Internet-connected device (desktop/laptop/tablet/mobile phone)
  • Web browser (Chrome/Safari/Edge/Firefox)
  • Accessible to Aalto staff members and academic visitors

Aalto Notebook is useful for:

  • Recording and storing metadata of research experiments (what, when, where, who, why, how)
  • Working collaboratively and sharing notebooks
  • Accessing programmatically your data with an external program via a REST API

Main features:

  • Free for researchers
  • Templates for experiments
  • Text editor (Formatted text or Markdown)
  • Import and export of data in PDF, ZIP, CSV, JSON
  • Image embedding and attachments
  • Doodle canvas & molecule editor
  • Inventory management 
  • Timestamping and locking mechanisms
  • Tags
  • To-do list and steps list
  • Scheduler
  • Quick & advanced search
  • Secure storage and automated back-ups
  • User groups to restrict read and write access among a team
  • Adjustable visibility settings for each experiment
  • Team admin who can manage settings related to their team
  • Based on a well-maintained open-source software with regular updates and new feature

Types of research data that can stored in Aalto Notebook:

Aalto Notebook is designed to contain research data and data describing the research process, classified as public, internal or confidential. Aalto Notebook is not suitable for storing research data classified as secret, in particular sensitive personal data (racial, political, religious, trade union membership, genetic, biometric, sexual orientation, and health details of individuals).

For storing internal and confidential research data, users should check and adjust the 'Visibility' and 'Write' access permission settings for their experiments and resources on Aalto Notebook, in order to limit access to only required person(s).

How to get started?

  1. Navigate to and log in with your Aalto account
  2. Check out the user guide and learn how to create and share experiment notebooks
  3. Recommend Aalto Notebook to your colleagues


Need support?



In case you need support in using Aalto notebook, or have any questions or feedback, please contact us at:[email protected]

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