
Adding a profile picture in Microsoft Office applications (e.g. Outlook, Teams)

You can add your own photo as a profile picture in Microsoft Office applications.

You can add your own photo as a profile picture if you wish. When you add a photo, it is visible in all Office software and for all Aalto users in email messages as well as in the search functions in email. Adding a profile picture can be done at webmail

Please, do not add any pictures that may be offensive to other people.

Adding a profile picture

The photo needs to be smaller than 4 MB and a png, jpg, or gif file.

  1. Sign in to webmail at with your Aalto email address and password.
  2. Select the circle (that shows your initials or your picture) in the upper right-hand corner .
  3. Select the three dots ... and My Office profile.
  4. Click the camera that is on the circle that shows your initials or your picture.
  5. Change your photo in the pop-up that appears.
My Profile picture

Note! It might take hours before the picture is updated to all places.

If the instructions don't work, try the following:

  • Clear the browser cache and restart the browser, or
  • Try with another browser

Related instructions

Microsoft 365 Services

Aalto students and employees can use the Microsoft 365 services (includes OneDrive, Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) on their work and home devices.

Microsoft 365 logo
This service is provided by:

IT Services

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