Apply Enterprise Architecture services
Why is Enterprise Architecture important?
Enterprise architecture is important because it helps us understand and manage the collection of various systems, processes, information, and technical components within Aalto University. Enterprise architecture supports future planning of the organization and ensures that its different parts work seamlessly and efficiently together. Furthermore, enterprise architecture helps ensure that the organization's investments are in line with its strategy and goals, and that the organization follows best practices and standards.
Enterprise architecture supports the Aalto community by maintaining and developing a holistic understanding of Aalto's environment and by assisting individual projects and teams in understanding the impact of their work on the overall picture. Enterprise architecture work helps the university comply with regulations, such as the Act on Information Management, that apply to the university.
Architecture community
Aalto's Enterprise Architecture is centralized in CDO office, but is based on decentralized architecture management model. The centralized architecture team is specifically resposible for managing the institution-wide Enterprise Architecture, linking strategic goal to operations, and managing the information architecture.
Solutions and technical architecture operate in a decentralized model, with primary responsibility luing with subject matter experts in various functions of IT services. In a weekly EA forum facilitated by CDO office architecture team, experts come together to update knowledge on various areas and address current architecture issues.
I am a solution owner
The development path of an individual solution is described in roadmap which is linked to roadmaps on higher levels. Link to the roadmapping page:
I am responsible for change
You can examine the impacts of change for example by using the HERM Capability Model or Digital Aalto Roadmap.
Link to HERM page: will be added here later
Link to roadmapping page:
I am a project manager
Project's compatibililty to Aalto's environment can be assessed based on Aalto's enterprise architecture principles.
Aalto's architecture principles:
General frequently asked questions
You can find instruction for finding suitable software below:
The accessibilty of development project is evaluated during the enterprise architecture evaluation of a project.
Information on architecture approval:
Information on digital accessibility:
Who can I contact?
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IT Services
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