
Communications at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

The Communications Services supports the School’s community in showcasing our research, actions and events and in highlighting the societal impact of our fields.

The Communications team at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture supports the school community in communications-related matters, such as content creation, media relations, and the digital communications. We also serve the media and others looking for experts in our fields.

The Communications team helps and consults our faculty and staff in several areas:

- digital communications services: website and school's own social media channels

- media relations

- communications on research and academic topics 

- internal communications: e.g. the School’s newsletter (published every other Thursday)

- exhibitions and events services

- visual identity and presentation materials: e.g. school presentation, photos, videos 

School of Arts, Design and Architecture in social media




#aaltoarts @AaltoARTS

Additionally, we communicate in the Aalto University's social media channels (Fb, Tw, and IG) and share our content on Aalto University's LinkedIn and Youtube channels.

Communications team for the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Krista Kinnunen

Krista Kinnunen

Senior Communications Specialist

Maija Vikman

Communications Coordinator
This service is provided by:

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

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