
Digital Aalto Roadmap

This page provides an introduction to Aalto University's digitalization roadmap and a link to the roadmap itself. The roadmap describes the development initiatives that arise from the universitys' strategy and have a connection to digitalization.
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Digital Aalto Roadmap

Digital Aalto Roadmap describes the development initiatives that arise from the university's strategy and have a connection to digitalization. The development initiatives depict the things that need to be done to achieve the target state from the current state. The roadmap enables comparison and prioritization, not just of implemented projects but also of planned initiatives. Therefore, the roadmap is an extremely useful tool for facilitating discussions related to development initiatives. The roadmap can be used to describe the impacts of change at different levels and connect long-term and short-term change layers to each other.

Digital Aalto Roadmap is maintained on a Sharepoint site, which provides more detailed descriptions of the different levels of the roadmap, a list for updating development initiatives, instructions for making updates, and visualizations based on the list of development initiatives. The roadmaps are constantly updated, and official versions of the roadmaps are frozen and approved twice a year. The link to the site can be found below.

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