
Digital learning assessment and examination

Digital, or online assessment enables flexibility in studies, and allows to reimagine assessment methods. Aalto has several digital assessment and examination services: MyCourses assignments and activities, remotely proctored exams, EXAM, Turnitin and Safe Exam Browser (SEB).

On this page, you will find brief descriptions of all our services, along with helpful links. These services are not only supported by the university, but they are also secure and adaptable to various situations.
Teacher's handbook illustration: pencil
Teacher's handbook is provided and maintained by Teacher Services.

Before you choose which service to use

Aalto University offers a variety of options for digital assessment and online examination. However, choosing the right format and method can be a challenge. There are several factors to consider when selecting the best format for student learning, and different exam formats may require different digital tools.

Start by asking yourself:

  1. What are the intended learning outcomes of the student? 
  2. What type of exam are you giving? Is it a quiz with multiple-choice questions, an essay exam, or something else entirely?  
  3. How many students are taking the exam? Is it a small group of 10-20 students, a medium-sized group of 50-100, or a larger group of over 400? 
  4. What kind of exam is it? Will students need to bring course materials, work in groups, or complete the exam within a specific time? 

By considering your specific needs and the features offered by each option, you can select the digital examination format best suited for you and your students.

Digital assessment and online examination services

Teaching and learning

A landing page for teachers to help them find services and support related to teaching and learning.

Lecture hall during the lecture

Learning assessment at Aalto University

Assessment for learning at Aalto University is a carefully planned pedagogical process which aims to support learning instead of merely measuring it.

Teacher's handbook illustration: pencil

Digital services for teaching

The Teacher Services team develops digital services for teaching and learning and provides support for their use. The team is part of the Learning Services.

Looking at course information on MyCourses
This service is provided by:

Learning Services

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