
Erasmus Global Mobility

Erasmus+ Global Mobility offers unique opportunities to study, teach and work in countries outside Europe. The participants can gain new qualifications and skills in an international environment and also improve their language skills.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility with Partner Countries, also known as Erasmus+ Global Mobility refers to the mobility of students & staff between European higher educational institutions and non-European (bi-lateral) partners. Global Mobility offers unique opportunities to study, teach and work in countries outside Europe. The participants can gain new qualifications and skills in an international environment and also improve their language skills. This funding opportunity can be used to further or initiate research collaboration, joint thesis supervision, short research mobility period, exchange studies and staff training.

The programme is aimed at

  • students and staff at Aalto University
  • international students and staff from Aalto's selected partner institutions

All participants will receive an allowance to cover travel and living costs.

Bachelor and Master level student mobility

The Bachelor and Master level outgoing Aalto students apply during the regular application periods and follow their guidelines unless a separate application period is announced. Please see more in the Student Guide.

The incoming Bachelor and Master level students from the Global Mobility partner universities are to contact the International Office of their own institution and the Learning Services of the School where they wish to study.

Staff & Doctoral student Exchanges

Aalto University has received Erasmus + Global Mobility funding to support the exchanges of PhD students and staff (for training) with few countries and partner universities. The actual exchange timings can be agreed with relevant hosting staff/supervisors within the funding periods stated below. You may contact the contact person for more information on the funding and specific application information.

Partner universities for exchanges

Country and funding period Partners Contact person for applying

Funding available (confirm with contact person)

out= from Aalto

in= to Aalto

United States  

Kristaps Kovalonoks: [email protected] 

Jérôme Rickmann: [email protected] 

Only incoming mobility


The funding varies from approximately 1500 to 4500 eur depending on the country of the partner, the duration of the stay and your status (student/staff). In case of outgoing Aalto staff members, the funding reimburses costs to the sending unit. In other cases a grant is paid directly to the participants.

How to apply

For staff and Doctoral students the application period is ongoing unless otherwise announced. Scholarships are distributed on “first arrived, first served basis”. Complete applications (fully signed) will be processed. The outgoing staff applicant is responsible for contacting and finding the hosting institution supervisor/contact person. The same applies for incoming staff: they need to find suitable supervisor at Aalto independently who agrees to host the visitor. For all staff mobilities, the minimum activity period is 5 days excluding the travel days.

Staff mobility (Incoming and Outgoing)

  • Staff mobility for training can be in the form of professional development training/activity, best practices sharing, study visits, job shadowing, workshops etc.,
  • Conferences are NOT included in this funding
  • Minimum stay duration is 5 days (travel days are not included nor funded). Maximum stay duration is generally 12 days but depends on the funding available. 
  • Training mobility needs to be completed by the duration of the country specific2 or 3 year project funding (see table)
  • Important documents required from staff:
    1. Motivation letter
    2. CV
    3. Training agreement (fully signed, by all 3 parties mentioned in the agreement)
    4. Grant Agreement (signed by participant)
  • Application process:
    1. Plan your training, agree with your superior, find your host contact  and agree on the details of the visit.
    2. Contact the coordinator of the country for the link to the application (see table)
    3. Attach the required and signed documents in the electronic application form and submit it.
    4. Dean/Vice Dean of the School  that is coordinating applications for the specific country will make the decision on the allocation of the scholarships
  • Deadline for applications: ongoing application period for selected countries

PhD student mobility

  • The mobility can be for
    • taking courses (90 days exchange, not including the travel days) or
    • research related training (staff training of 5-12 days, not including the travel days, see Staff training mobility above).
  • The credits (ECTS) earned during exchange should be accepted as part of the normal studies in the home institution. A staff training visit needs to be approved by the participant's superior as a normal work trip before applying.
  • Important documents required from PhD students:
    1. Transcripts of records
    2. Motivation letter
    3. CV
    4. Learning agreement for studies/Training Agreement in case of research work (fully signed, by all parties mentioned in the agreement. Does not need to include courses as research training may also be included)
    5. Grant Agreement (signed by participant)
  • Application process:
    1. Agree with your supervisor and fill in the application documents (above).
    2. Contact the coordinator of the country for the link to the application!
    3. Attach the required documents in the electronic application form and submit it.
    4. Incoming phD students: Please follow the application process for the incoming exchange students (Student Guide)
    5. Dean/Vice Dean of the country coordinating School will make the decision of the allocation of the scholarships
  • All mobility needs to be completed by the duration of the country specific project funding
  • Deadline for applications - please follow the deadlines for the incoming exchange students (see the link above) unless otherwise advised by the country coordinator.
This service is provided by:

Learning Services

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