
Export control and sanctions vis-à-vis academic freedom

Export control and sanctions laws are in place not to censor research, but to prevent its misuse.
Export control and sanction laws are in place not to censor research, but to prevent its misuse.
Export control and sanctions laws are in place not to censor research, but to prevent its misuse.

The export control and sanctions laws do not dictate what research topics can or cannot be pursued. Expectation that a dual-use item may be generated during the course of a contemplated research activity should not be a reason to opt out from such research activity. Likewise, finding that a dual-use item has been generated during an on-going research activity should not be a reason to discontinue such research activity or to refrain from further research related to the newly created dual-use item. However, certain restrictions may apply to the conduct of research and dissemination of results, depending on the specific circumstances.

These restrictions could include selecting appropriate collaboration partners to ensure controlled items are not mishandled or determining whether technical assistance falls under licensing requirements set out in relevant export control and sanction laws. When it comes to sharing research results, there may be an obligation to obtain licenses for parts of a publication that are considered dual-use items, or to edit the publication to exclude such items.

While the majority of Aalto University's activities are not affected by, or they are exempted from, export control and sanction laws, some activities might be restricted. As a result, it is important for our community to be mindful of these regulations to avoid any breaches of law.

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