
Mobile Certificate at Aalto

Mobile ID (also called Mobile Certificate, in Finnish Mobiilivarmenne) is an easy way for strong authentication to digital services. All Aalto phone subscriptions have it and you can use it also for private authentication purposes.

Below you will find instructions for activating Mobile ID.
Mobile Id logo

You can activate the Mobile ID to your Aalto University's Elisa mobile subscription free of charge at Elisa's registration form for the Mobile ID is currently available only in Finnish.

For activating the Mobile ID you need:

  • your Elisa work subscription
  • smartphone
  • Finnish online banking keys for registration.

Note: the service is free of charge, even though the registration form mentions billing.

You can also register the Mobile ID at Elisa shops. 

For more information about the Mobile ID (in English) please see:

The Mobile ID needs to be renewed every 5 years

The Mobile ID needs to be renewed after 5 years. To continue using your Mobile ID, you need to change your SIM card and reactivate the Mobile ID. 

When you need to renew your Mobile ID, you will receive a text message. In the text message you are told to change your SIM card. The  message does not state the reason for the change.

Please contact IT Service Desk for a new SIM card.

Reactivate your Mobile ID at The page is currently available only in Finnish.

This service is provided by:

IT Services

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