
Self-service portal for requesting Windows software installations

Self-service portal is a service where you can request software installations made available by IT to your centrally managed Windows workstation. Some requests need to be approved due to licensing or other restrictions.

Self-service portal is a service where you can request software installations made available by IT to your centrally managed Windows workstation. Some requests need to be approved due to licensing or other restrictions.

To use the portal your workstation needs to be centrally managed and attached to your user account. The workstation needs to be connected to Aalto network. After first use you can also use the portal with Aalto VPN network connection.

If there are manually installed versions of an application on the workstation, remove these installations or ask for help from [email protected] before requesting the same application from the portal.
This is because in automated deployment IT can only plan and test for installations which were made by IT with previous automation.

You can also access the portal directly from this link.

Launching the self-service portal from your workstation 

1. From the Windows Start menu on lower left coner of the desktop, choose Aalto IT and Software SelfServicePortal - Aalto IT. The self-service portal should open as long as you are connected to the Aalto network.

2. Check that the correct workstation Computer Name is shown in the top right part. You can check your Computer Name by pressing Ctrl and F12 from the keyboard.

Windows self-service portal

3. Choose the application(s) from the list, then Add selected software to workstation. Software on the lower part of the portal requires approvement due to licensing or other restrictions, so the corresponding button here is Request targeting of the software selected below.

4. You can Exit the portal from the top right corner.

5. Software will be queued for installation on the workstation after about an hour after targeting from the self-service portal. If you requested software needing approval you need to wait for the approvement first.

If you have problems or need to remove some targeted application from your workstation, please contact [email protected] including your workstation Computer Name which you can see by pressing Ctrl-F12.

Installing applications and their updates

You can initiate the installations at will, as long as you consider the step 5 above. In most cases IT will only deploy one version of any one application at a time. It will thus be updated to the same level for everybody. By initiating the installations you can make sure that you are getting the newest deployed updates.

With some larger installations and ones requiring workstation reboot you might see a separate dialog which you must fist approve. Such a dialog might also come up with some critical security updates even if you don't initiate the installations yourself.

Applications will also get installed and updated without user interaction, but the workstation must be on Aalto network at certain times so that you are not logged on to it. Most applications will get installed and updated if you power up the workstation to Aalto network but don't log on for about half an hour. Some applications will get installed like that, but only at nighttime.

Shortcuts for launching installed software are mostly only found in the Programs menu at the lower left corner of the desktop.

Installation request for computer classrooms

Related instructions

Starting software updates on Windows

You can start targeted installation of applications and updates for them on centrally maintained Windows workstations whenever this is convenient for you. This can also be done with portable workstations outside of Aalto University’s network provided that the Aalto VPN connection is switched on. This way you can bring the applications up to date, if they have not been updated otherwise.

Software installations for Aalto Linux

On a personal research workstation or laptop, if you are marked as primary user of the machine, you can install software from Aalto repository with your normal user rights.

Default applications on Windows workstations

A list of the applications available by default on all centrally managed Windows workstations.

Aalto Mac: application distribution (Managed Software Centre)

You can install or remove optional programs on an Aalto Mac through application distribution of the Managed Software Centre.

How to get applications installed to workstations (Windows)

On this page you will find how to ask for software installations for Windows workstations.

Installation media for self-managed workstations

There are some workstations that are not centrally managed for various reasons. Administrators for these workstations can get installation media with Aalto staff accounts from network share \\\common\media

This service is provided by:

IT Services

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