
Why compliance with export control and sanctions laws matters

Through compliance with export control and sanctions laws, universities help maintain a secure and thriving global academic environment and each researcher contributes to the well-being of the global research community and also fosters positive relationships amongst academic institutions.
Two scientists with lab coats operating a machine
Compliance with export control and sanctions helps foster positive relationships amongst academic institutions.

Why compliance matters to an individual researcher?

Compliance with export control and sanction laws is an essential aspect for individual researchers to consider, as it promotes responsible and ethical research, international collaboration, and global security. By voluntarily embracing export control and sanction laws researchers not only contribute to the well-being of the global community but also foster positive relationships amongst academic institutions. 

As a researcher, your awareness and willingness to adhere to export control and sanction laws regarding the transfer of tangible goods, information, and services, and engagements with specific individuals, entities, or countries, reflect your commitment to ethical practices. By identifying and mitigating export control and sanction risks, maintaining transparency, and seeking relevant training and resources, you play a valuable role in cultivating a secure, supportive, and flourishing academic environment. Your conscientious efforts ensure the future success and growth of research at Aalto University while working towards a safer and interdependent global community.

Why compliance matters to the university?

It is important to ensure that Aalto University, or any member of its community, does not inadvertently contribute to potentially dangerous or illicit activities by breaching export control and sanction laws. The ability to identify and effectively mitigate risks associated with export control and sanction laws signals responsible behavior on the part of the university and members of the Aalto community. It is expected that a positive track record in compliance with export control and sanction laws will be increasingly more important in the future for attracting research funding and talents as well as being offered access to lucrative research projects. 

Furthermore, Aalto University Code of Conduct requires compliance with all laws and regulations. Breach of export control and sanction laws also constitutes a breach of the university's Code of Conduct. An actual or alleged breach of export control and sanction laws can also attract undesired media attention and cause reputational damage to Aalto University as well as the individuals involved in the actual or alleged breach.

Breach of the export control and sanction laws may carry criminal liability to the individuals involved in the breach and, in certain circumstances, also to the university. Penalties imposed on such breaches include fines and imprisonment of up to four years. In addition to the formal penalties, any member of the Aalto community who has breached export control and sanction laws may be subject to disciplinary measures by the university.

By upholding export control and sanction laws, we foster trust with research partners and enhance the reputation and success of Aalto University and contribute to the well-being of our community.  

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