Study at Aalto

Share your Aalto experience

There are several ways to share your study experiences on social media, through videos or by attending events. Learn more and express your interest!

We are on the lookout for student volunteers with diverse backgrounds and interests to share their Aalto experience by creating content or taking part in events. You can be an active student life advocate, a hardcore student, or something in between these two. The most important thing is that you are open to share a peek into your everyday life and show what studying at Aalto looks like. The content and the events are targeted to young people who are considering applying to higher education. A compensation is agreed on separately for each task.

Express your interest

Fill in the form shared below and choose all the tasks that might interest you! We will contact students who have expressed their interest directly when we need help with content creation or events. You can read about the different tasks below. Showing interest is not binding!

Fill in the form

Examples of social media content

Aalto Univeristy's social channels

YouTube playlists

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