Study at Aalto

Starting Up online course

The open access online course covers the fundamentals of startup entrepreneurship
Starting Up Pic: Aalto University

Starting Up online course covers the fundamentals of startup entrepreneurship. The course was initiated by student-led startup accelerator Kiuas, and in the spirit of Nordic collaboration, has been designed together with early-stage VC fund, the university’s entrepreneurship education program Aalto Ventures Program, and technology company Reaktor.

Starting Up is the university’s way of equipping a wider pool of prospective entrepreneurs with fundamental skills. Since its establishment in 2010, Aalto University has worked closely with the student-led startup community and has been an advocate for entrepreneurial education. With Starting Up, Aalto University wants to create a course that is open for all and easy to access beyond the Aalto community. 

The team interviewed 15 European entrepreneurs, investors and tech pioneers to form the course material that covers everything from basic terminology to themes like validating a problem and go-to-market strategy. The final course content is the combined work of students, professors, VCs and entrepreneurs – a testament to the Nordic startup ecosystem, which was last year recognised as the world’s most connected and collaborative.

Starting Up is now live and accessible worldwide at All course materials are in English.

University students can earn 2 ECTS credits for successfully completing the course.

Starting Up Pic: Aalto University

Aalto University launches free-for-all online entrepreneurship course 'to make sure no great idea goes unpursued'

Starting Up is co-created by students and the European startup community and is a new contribution to open education by the country that brought Elements of AI to the world

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