Study options

Signal Processing and Data Science - Computer, Communication and Information Sciences, Master of Science (Technology)

Would you like to enter the exciting world of signal processing and data science, lying at the heart of today’s digital world? In this major, you will learn to extract useful information, discover patterns, and make predictions from large amounts of signal or data. You get to apply your knowledge to the physical world – making devices, systems and entities smarter and more environmentally friendly.
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulun opiskelijat. Kuva: Unto Rautio


Master of Science (Technology)

Application period:

28 Nov 2024 – 27 Dec 2024

Language of instruction:



2 years, full-time


Relevant Bachelor's degree

Field of study:

Technology and Engineering


120 ECTS

Organising school:

School of Electrical Engineering

Tuition fees:

For non-EU/EEA citizens, €17000/y (Master’s studies) Read more

Applying to master’s programmes


Data is widely available, but what is scarce is the ability to extract wisdom from it. Skilled experts with the tools to collect and interpret signals and data are more in demand than ever. The Signal Processing and Data Science major sits at the intersection of many timely challenges, from predicting the stock market to developing better medical technology. As the industry is transforming to become more sustainable, you will get to be part of new ways of doing things, e.g., by making more efficient algorithms, thus contributing to reducing the energy consumption of large-scale computations needed in AI systems.

Benefiting from world-class research and facilities, students graduating from the programme will have:

  • A strong theoretical and methodological background of modern signal processing and data science. Graduates possess a toolbox of knowledge on signals and systems modelling, data representations, optimisation and skills to implement practical signal processing technologies for multisensor systems.
  • Advanced programming skills. Graduates master various programming languages and tools and have the ability to design, implement, test and maintain practical signal processing systems.
  • Extensive data analysis skills. Graduates have an in-depth understanding of the nature and diversity of data and signals and how it can be translated into information by machine learning.
  • Mathematical and statistical modelling skills. Graduates master the use of mathematical models and the underlying statistical assumptions, allowing them to make accurate predictions from real world data.
  • Extensive knowledge about the state of the art research in the field. Graduates benefit from the top-notch research led by professors and researchers and have the basis needed to embark on a career in research, should they wish to do so.

Webinar | Signal Processing and Data Science

In this webinar, the programme representatives introduce Aalto University, give a programme overview, explain the programme structure and content, discuss career opportunities, and answer questions from the audience.

Watch the webinar recording
Students working together on a laptop

Language of instruction

In the Master’s Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences – Signal Processing and Data Science, the language of instruction is English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee for this programme is 17 000 euros per academic year. Citizens of European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland do not pay tuition fees. Citizens of other countries must pay tuition fees.

Aalto University offers a small number of scholarships in the form of tuition fee waivers to fee-paying students. Scholarships can be awarded to the highest-achieving applicants based on the programme's evaluation criteria. Applicants are ranked according to the criteria outlined on the programme's webpage.

More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.

Structure of studies

The major can be completed either as a long (60 ECTS) or compact (40 ECTS) major. Students taking a compact major take also a master level minor (20-25 ECTS). Students taking a long major may include an optional minor in their elective studies.

The first year lays the foundation for signals and systems modelling and data analysis with courses such as Signal Processing for Communications (5 ECTS), Statistical Signal Processing (5 ECTS) and Large Scale Data Analysis (5 ECTS). Students also familiarise themselves with machine learning and convex optimisation algorithms. As the studies proceed, students deepen their understanding on various topics and can create their own unique study tracks according to their interests.

Master's Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences


Signal Processing and Data Science is part of the Master's Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences. Students may direct their studies to various specialisation areas through master level minor or elective courses. A student interested in, for example, biomedical engineering and AI lead health technology may select courses in those fields. There is also a possibility to learn more about financial engineering or specialise in data science.

A few examples from the wider course selection are as follows:

  • Deep Learning (5 ECTS)
  • Audio Signal Processing (5 ECTS)
  • AI in health technologies (5 ECTS)
  • High-Throughput Bioinformatics (5 ECTS)

More information on the programme content and curriculum can be found in the Student guide.

Student Eeli Susan

Student Eeli Susan: Signal Processing and Data Science is a perfect blend of theoretical and practical courses

'Strong theoretical background with plenty of practical course project experience is exactly the type of experience that many companies are looking for,' says Eeli Susan.



The study environment in the programme is strongly international – studies are conducted in multicultural groups and students are well equipped to embark on an international career. The School of Electrical Engineering offers many possibilities for student exchange and internships all over the world. Students may find themselves taking part in a research project dealing with global phenomena or taking a summer course at one of Aalto's partner institutions, such as EURECOM in Sophia Antipolis, France.

Aalto University is international by nature, welcoming thousands of degree and exchange students from abroad every year. These students join the diverse Aalto community not only through their studies, but also through multiple free time events, celebrations and extracurricular activities around the campus. Active tutoring programs and support services work hard to help international students integrate to the Nordic culture and feel at home in Finland.

Further study opportunities

Following the successful completion of the programme, graduates are eligible to apply for entrance to doctoral programmes and post-doc positions in Finland and abroad.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the programme have an exceptionally wide range of career paths in front of them. As signals (e.g., images, speech and sound, financial time series, or measurements from diverse sensor systems) are acquired, processed and transmitted nearly in every imaginable field, graduates may be employed in the health technology, quantitative finance, ICT, or data science / AI companies. Common professions include:

  • Research scientist, for example, in the ICT sector.
  • R&D engineer
  • Data scientist
  • Asset manager
  • Founder of a company

Aalto University has well-established career services to support students’ employment in Finland and abroad. Thanks to the flexible curriculum, many Aalto students already work during their studies and guarantee themselves entry positions before graduation. There is also a very active entrepreneurship community at Aalto, working as a springboard for founding a company.

Unto Rautio

School of Electrical Engineering graduates in working life

Graduates from the School of Electrical Engineering at Aalto University have very good employment prospects in positions corresponding to their education. On this page, you can find information about employment and career development five years after graduation.

School of Electrical Engineering

Research focus

Research projects are thoroughly integrated into the studies to foster students’ ability to conduct scientific work. Examples of research topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Machine learning
  • Radar signal processing
  • Wireless communication
  • Large-scale optimization
  • Statistical signal processing

To find out more about the research conducted in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering, visit their website.

Co-operation with other parties

Besides the wide selection of courses available at Aalto University, students have the opportunity to include courses in their curriculum from other universities – even internationally. The major also regularly welcomes visiting students from other universities. The CCIS (Computer, Communication and Information Sciences) programme is in itself multidisciplinary, encouraging collaboration across disciplines.

Aalto University is well-known for bridging disciplines of business, arts, technology and science. The lively campus and freedom of choosing elective courses across the university bring students from different fields under one roof. This spontaneous multidisciplinary environment sparks new ideas, gathers enthusiasts around them and gives birth to friendships, networks, and every so often, startups.

 Äänen viivettä on tutkittu Suomen hiljaisimmassa huoneessa Otaniemessä sijaitsevassa kaiuttomassa huoneessa.  Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Mikko Raskinen

Department of Information and Communications Engineering

The department of Information and Communications Engineering has a strong focus in the ICT area varying from ICT technology to core electrical engineering and its basic phenomena.

4 student ambassafors taking a selfie

Chat with Aalto students

Are you wondering what it is like to study at Aalto? Come chat with our students about all things Aalto on Unibuddy chat platform.

Study at Aalto

Study-option-specific application instructions

Applicants to the programme must meet the general eligibility and language requirements that are common to all Master's programmes in Aalto University. Applicants meeting Aalto’s general eligibility criteria for master's studies are evaluated and ranked according to the evaluation criteria decided in advance for each study option.

The applications to major Signal Processing and Data Science, Master’s Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences (CCIS) are evaluated based on the following criteria.

This English-version is the master version of the CCIS programme-specific evaluation criteria, and its Finnish and Swedish versions are its translations.

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation process and requested documents

The evaluation process is described under Applicant evaluation process. In addition to obligatory application documents, this study option asks the applicants to submit also the documents listed under Requested documents.

Contact information

School of Electrical Engineering

For enquiries regarding the application process, general application documents and language tests, please contact [email protected]. For enquiries regarding the content of programme, the studies at the School of Electrical Engineering and the study option specific application documents please contact [email protected].

[email protected]

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