Talent Expo

Student marketing and JobTeaser

Complete instructions and advice for using JobTeaser at Aalto University's recruitment events.

The primary channel for fair marketing and communication is the JobTeaser platform. JobTeaser is Aalto University's Career Services’ portal, where students can find university's career guidance and events, employers' pages and job ads all in the same place.  

In JobTeaser, students will find: 

  • the fair program  
  • Information on the live event
  • registration to events at the fair where necessary
  • exhibitor pages and their job ads for our students  
  • all Aalto University career services to the students 

Important dates: 

  • 6.1.2024 All Summer Job Day 2024 exhibitor profile pages are published for students
  • 6.2.2024 Summer Job Day 2024  exhibitor profile pages are no longer visible for students
Symbols used for school choices

Aalto University's recruitment events bring together students from the Aalto University's fields of business, technology, art and design. We aim to enhance and enable the encounters of employers and students at the fair and therefore at the registration form you can choose the students you are most interested in connecting with. We target our student marketing according to your selections and the school selections will be also visible on your stand at the fair to make it easier for students to find the right exhibitors for them!

Aalto University students' Master's programmes

By clicking the title you can open a list of all the Master's Programmes taught in that specific school. If you are looking for talent is specific field, but can't place it in a certain school, you can check it from the list. Or if you would like to know about everything that is taught in one school, you can see that also here. The links open a more specified description of the Master's Programme in question.

If a Programme does not have a link, it means that it has been removed from the curriculum recently. Some students may still be studying the subject, but no new students are admitted.

Please note that the Schools are presented here in Finnish alphabetical order.

Exhibitor pages in JobTeaser 

For each exhibitor, we set up a profile page in JobTeaser and send the registration link to the contact person.   

If you have participated in Talent Expo or Summer Job Day events, your page with your information is already available at the service. However, it is very important to check that all the information is up-to-date on the pages!  

The pages will be published to students according to the timetable above. Please make sure your page has been updated and your job ads have been published by that date! It looks quite bad if interested students find an empty page when they search for your organization on the platform. We can publish your page even earlier if you wish. 

The profiles remain active for one month after the fair, and you can edit them throughout the period. Please remember to update your profile and keep it up-to-date even after the fair! We also advise to publish new job ads within this period.  

Here is an example of an exhibitor page and some tips to create a good page. At the end of this page, you can also find a more detailed instruction for registering to the service and creating a page.  

Example profile page on JobTeaser
Example on JobTeaser profile page

A good exhibitor page offers enough information about your organisation, culture, targets for the fair day and attracts students to participate your events and the career possibilities you offer. A good page is up-to-date, it has good quality pictures and working links. The page should answer these questions: 

  • What does the organization do and where does it operate?
  • What are the values and mission?
  • Which school's students do you wish to meet at the event? Which talents are you looking for?
  • What do you offer at the event and what are the goals for the fair? 
  • Do you currently have open positions? And in the future?
  • What can this organization offer for me?

1. Registration and signing to JobTeaser

After the registration for the event, we will send a link to the registration page to the contact person within a week from the registration. The title of the email is: ”Your company profile on the Aalto University Career Center” and the sender Aalto University Career Services ([email protected]). Please also check your junk e-mail folder, if you can't find the message.  

After the first sign in, you can sign in to JobTeaser through this link: aalto.jobteaser.com. Please select "Log in with your email address for employers".

If your organization already has a profile page, you can sign in with the same credentials through the link above. The username is your email address and the password you have created yourself.  

If you can't remember your password, you can order a new one through the link Forgot your password? If you can't remember your username, please contact us at via email.

After the sign-in, you can find your page from Accounts. At the Events section you can see all the programs you are involved in. And in Jobs you can post your job adverts to Aalto students.  

2. JobTeaser profile contents

It is up to you to choose how much information you wish to include in your page - you can also add links to your own employer branding pages etc. We have pre-filled your page with the information given on the registration form. In addition to this, we recommend adding at least a short introduction. The more information you share here, the better the students can get to know you before the actual fair day. 

We recommend that you also add something about your fair goals: who do wish to meet at the fair, what is happening at your stand and what do you offer for our students. Your job adverts and events will appear automatically on your profile page.  

By clicking on the Account -button on the first page after signing in you enter the backend of your profile page.

You can edit your pages by clicking the Edit -button and see how your page looks like from the students' perspective through the Preview-link that can be found on the upper right corner. 

The JobTeaser profile has four different sections: Company Overview, Teams, Recruitment and Content. Below you can find some hints to plan these sections. Note that sections marked with "will be deleted soon" are not visible on your page.

3. Adding a job ad

You can add job ads through the Jobs page. Choose Add a Job Ad and fill in the information on the form.  

Please add to Tags: Summer Job/Talent Expo and/or those Aalto University schools, whose students you wish to apply for the position. This helps the students to find your ad and we can also link to the job ads in various places. 

After you have created the ad, you can again see what the ad looks like for the students through the upper right corner (preview). Note! You can only see your organization's ads at the Jobs -page. 

Job adverts are moderated within one workday. All adverts should meet our terms of publishing (more information on Recruit a student page).

4. Events

The events published in JobTeaser that has your profile page linked to them, will also be visible in your profile page.  Note that the fair team will create all the event pages for you, so you should not add any events yourself. 

We will create events organized by the fair team (CV & LinkedIn Clinic, Speed Mentoring and Portfolio Review) for you with the look and basic information on the event. You have preview rights for these events in your backend.


Aalto University Career Services

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