Teacher’s Handbook

Teaching practices

Aalto University is a multidisciplinary university, and its six schools have different teaching traditions and teaching needs. What students do can therefore vary in many ways from, for example, how they write (text, code, equations, formulas, etc.) to their designs, products, artwork, and projects to their overall portfolios and productions. These all require different approaches to learning objectives, teaching practices, and assessment. In addition, each teacher has their own personal style and preferences for teaching. They themselves choose how to conduct teaching in their own classroom, studio, or other learning environment.

Nevertheless, there are some common measures that teachers need to take in each course, both administrative and pedagogical. To make everything go smoothly, a teacher needs to confirm student registrations for a course, design and distribute the learning materials, give assignments, and manage submissions, assessment, and feedback.
Teacher's handbook illustration: round check
Teacher's Handbook is provided and maintained by LES, Teacher Services.

Teaching practices in the lifespan of a course

Below, you can find a checklist for teaching practices and steps that need to be taken over the entire lifespan of a course, as well as some of the pedagogical considerations they are based on. There are also links to useful information for teaching at Aalto University. 

Practices for teaching and academic advising can vary between the schools. For more detailed information, contact your school's Learning Services or Teacher Services.

If you are just starting out as a teacher at Aalto, please, read the Teacher onboarding page first.

Teacher's handbook illustration: folder

Before the course

  1. Look up the course contents and description. They can be found on student information system Sisu.
  2. Check that you have access to the online learning environment MyCourses workspace for your course. Log in MyCourses with your Aalto.id in here.
  3. Remember to check the feedback from the previous implementation of the course, and reflect on the key take-aways.
  4. Plan how the student communication will occur, when and through what channels.
  5. Update the syllabus and design the course structure on MyCourses.
  6. Prepare learning materials, e.g. lectures and assignments, and make sure that learning materials, videos, and MyCourses course pages are accessible. Also, plan assessment and feedback methods, as well as feedback practices.
  7. Upload the learning materials to the MyCourses workspace and set up learning activities.
  8. Confirm student registrations for the course, in Sisu. After that, the student information will transfer automatically to MyCourses.

Pedagogical considerations

If you need help, contact Teacher Services or Book a session with a specialist.

Teacher's handbook illustration: bubble

During the course

  1. Deliver course lectures - onsite, hybrid, or online.
  2. Remind students of their right to individual study arrangements and ask them to contact you at the beginning of the course or when registering for the exam if needed.
  3. Build a safe atmosphere for interaction together with students using support material.
  4. Go forward with course activities, assignments, and assessments.
  5. Follow student activity, for example with MyCourses Attendance activity.
  6. Facilitate student interaction and collect mid-course feedback with the course feedback tool in MyCourses.
  7. Aim for continual feedback and assessment.

Pedagogical considerations

See also Aalto University's Teamwork First-Aid Kit for supporting teamwork.

If you need help, contact Teacher Services or Book a session with a specialist.

Teacher's handbook illustration: certificate

After the course 

  1. Assess the student outcomes in line with the learning outcome expectations.
  2. Export the final grades to Sisu.
  3. Study the course feedback.
  4. Reflect on developing yourself as a teacher and the course.

Pedagogical considerations

If you need help, contact Teacher Services or Book a session with a specialist.

Academic calendar

Aalto University teaching periods and other key dates

Read more
Student guide illustration, academic calendar

Related information

Tools and tips for teaching
Digital platforms for teaching and learning in Aalto University
Rules, regulations, and guidelines concerning teaching
Course feedback in Aalto University

Student perspectives

The Aalto University Learning Services helps students with studies related matters. Important information for students can be found in the Student Guide.

Lecture hall during the lecture

Teaching and learning

A landing page for teachers to help them find services and support related to teaching and learning.

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