Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Lab
Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Hub design, test, and promote production models and best practices in the field of online learning.
Are you looking to develop your skills as a teacher? Participate in Aalto's pedagogical training!
MyTeaching Support offers planning and development assistance for teachers for pedagogical reflection, use of digital learning environments, and questions related to pedagogical training.
Are you puzzled by how to teach onsite, online or hybrid, how to use different activities in MyCourses, or do you want tips on how to use videos in your teaching? You can book a one-to-one online session with a specialist from the Teacher Services team!
Teachers' Dialogue event gathers Aalto’s teaching staff to discuss topical issues and to participate in developing services for qualified teaching and learning.
Wednesday webinars that focused on current topics and teaching and learning, about digital tools and pedagogical methods. Find all recordings in Panopto!
For teachers: find tips and instructions on how to set up hybrid teaching, what to do before, during and after a session.
Support for all video and media-related pursuits, from planning to production.
Learn everything you need to know about outline and scripting, visuals, recording, editing and captions, and copyrights!
Find instructions on how to teach online or hybrid, and how to use our digital learning platforms. Also, find general guidelines and policies concerning teaching.
Looking for ideas, perspectives and inspiration for your teaching? Read blog texts on various themes written by specialists from the Teacher Services team for inspiration and ideas!
Pedagogical wellbeing entails both teacher and student perspectives. These pages serve as a teachers' reference and study package for improving wellbeing in teaching and studies at Aalto.
The Future-led Learning podcast offers a platform for university educators to reflect their ideas about teaching and learning.
In alphabetical order:
Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Hub design, test, and promote production models and best practices in the field of online learning.
Booking system is used for reserving spaces and objects for teaching, research and support activities. The system can be accessed through booking.aalto.fi.
In Aalto, feedback is collected from students during different phases of their studies. Hearing the voice of students is vital for the development of teaching and training as well as for quality assurance and for improving study-related services. Feedback is used on multiple levels in many ways and its utilisation is a special area of focus in Aalto. Student guilds and organisations are also interested in and benefit from feedback and surveys.
Contact IT End User Support for help or information on Aalto University IT.
a contact point to the users of the Aalto University IT who are in need of help and information. You can visit the service desk during opening hours or ask for help by email, telephone or chat.
Aalto lecturer career system is intended primarily for individuals conducting teaching. The lecturer career system supports individual development and career advancement through clear principles and systematic evaluation criteria and allows Aalto teachers and lecturers to advance in their careers with teaching-focused merits. Teachers and lecturers have the opportunity to advance within the career system, from the university teacher level to the university lecturer level, and further to the position of a senior university lecturer and principal university lecturer. This page contains principles of the lecturer career system, levels in lecturer career system, generic time allocation in lecturer career levels as well as descriptions of recruitment and advancement processes.
Social sustainability in practice.
The programme director's handbook is a collection of guidelines, templates, and good practices. The handbook gathers together information about processes, schedules and tools and the aim is to support degree programme directors, heads of majors and others involved to succeed in implementing, evaluating and developing the degree programmes.
The Starting Point of Wellbeing offers students easy access to counselling and advice on matters of well-being and study ability. The services available to you include drop-in (no reservation) advising/counselling sessions, peer support groups, and online materials. You can also make an appointment to receive individual counselling.
A comprehensive quality assurance framework is implemented to evaluate our educational activities.
Aalto University’s tenure track career system offers a well-supported and clear career path for professor-level academics towards a permanent professorship.