Arts infra Workshops

Windows Labs

The School of Arts, Design and Architecture some Windows labs / IT classrooms both in Väre and in Otakaari 1 A-wing.

Windows labs

Information on the exact location and equipment of the classrooms can be found on the following sub-pages:

Windows-luokka A046


The class is a Windows lab centrally maintained by Aalto IT with 40 workstations for students and one for a teacher.

Arts infra Workshops
Luokka A046a


The class is a Windows lab centrally maintained by Aalto IT with 24 workstations for students and one for a teacher.

Arts infra Workshops
Luokka L208


The class is a Windows lab centrally maintained by Aalto IT with 40 workstations for students and one for a teacher.

Arts infra Workshops
Windows workstations in the M101 classroom.


The class is a Windows lab centrally maintained by Aalto IT with 20 Windows-workstations for students and one for a teacher.

Arts infra Workshops
Windows-luokka R102


The class is a Windows lab centrally maintained by Aalto IT with 31 workstations.

Arts infra Workshops
Classrooms and facilities
ARTS Workstations Team
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