Equality, diversity and inclusion at Aalto

EDI Learning Hub

A flourishing academic community is built upon a diversity of talent, backgrounds, and experiences. We can all contribute to fostering an inclusive community.
Aalto people

Actions for diversity and inclusion

Do you want to help Aalto University build an open and accepting community for everyone?

Learning about diversity and inclusion makes us better equipped for fostering a good community. Read books, listen to podcasts, or have discussions with your peers – whatever works best for you. Increasing understanding of diversity enables us to better implement its values in our everyday lives. This page provides an updated collection of tips, inspiring reads, and practical support materials to guide you towards maintaining diversity and inclusivity as part of your everyday life at Aalto. To start with, you can find a mini-library filled with inspiring materials below. 


Equality refers to an aim to provide a non-discriminatory, equal and accessible environment in which employees and students with diverse backgrounds receive equal and fair treatment and are free to study and work without fear of discrimination.

Diversity refers to all of the ways we differ, e.g. education, age, gender, nationality or personality traits – any visible or non-visible attributes that make us different from each other.

Inclusion refers to an environment of involvement and respect, where everyone can be their true self, feel a sense of belonging, and where our different backgrounds and perspectives are seen as strengths.

Guidelines for inclusive interaction

We want every community member to feel welcome and safe. By behaving in a responsible manner and respecting the rights of the other members of our community we let everyone equal opportunity to enjoy a safe and pleasant university environment that allows unhindered progress in study and work. 

Below you can find guidelines for inclusive interaction that foster inclusive daily encounters with other community members.

Tips, toolkits and inspiring reads for fostering diversity

In this EDI Resource Bank you find the latest training, research, knowledge and best practices from Aalto and around the world. 

Events and trainings

A! Logo with pride flag
For Aalto community Networking

QueerA! networking at 16 - 17.30

QueerA! is a network for queer / LGBTQIA+ staff members from Aalto University across all schools and services.
A! Logo with pride flag
For Aalto community Networking

QueerA! networking at 14 - 15.30

QueerA! is a network for queer / LGBTQIA+ staff members from Aalto University across all schools and services.
Aalto Readers' Club

Aalto Readers' Club

Join our dynamic book club at Aalto University!
A! Logo with pride flag
For Aalto community Networking

QueerA! networking at 16 - 17.30

QueerA! is a network for queer / LGBTQIA+ staff members from Aalto University across all schools and services.


Sophie Belanger on the left and Ferdinand Keil on the right sitting on a sofa  and chatting
Cooperation Published:

Erasmus Staff Training: A deep dive into joint programmes and wellbeing

Over 30 participants from 17 universities gathered at the Aalto University campus early June for the Erasmus Staff Training Days.
Aalto Wellbeing social media QR code 2024
Campus Published:

@aaltowellbeing in IG!

Stay on top of the latest research-based wellness information and Aalto University events and services related to wellness and inclusion by following the @aaltowellbeing account.
A group of students sitting around a table
University Published:

Think of and implement ways to support equality and diversity in the School of Business in 2024

The members of our community can now propose how our values can be reflected in our activities more extensively than before
Aalto University logo with light and blurry person passing by
For Aalto community University Published:

How to support equality and diversity? Apply for funding for your idea!

Students and staff at the School of Electrical Engineering can apply for funding for projects that support equality and diversity throughout April.

Intervening in the harassment and inappropriate treatment experienced by the personnel

The Code of Conduct is one way of putting our values and way of working - the foundation of our community culture - into practice.

Read more about process and contact information
People sitting around tables in BIZ premises

Supporting students' sense of community and belonging

Students in a lecture hall

Supporting students' sense of community and belonging

Central to community and inclusion is that the community members feel accepted and valued as themselves. Belonging to a study community means gaining experiences of the relevance of studies and identification with the student community. The sense of belonging is unique and can only be triggered if students identify themselves with the community. That is why it is important to think how to create and promote the sense of inclusion in your teaching.

Group of student working together

Agreeing on guidelines for inclusive interaction in the course

Inclusive teaching practices are inseparable from high quality teaching practices, so inclusive teaching affects all aspects of a course and learning experience.  

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing

Handbook on diversity in recruitments

This handbook is intended for use throughout Aalto community in supporting us making excellent recruitments that foster both excellence and equality.

Handbook on diversity and equality in recruitments

Key contacts

 Kristiina Mäkelä

Kristiina Mäkelä

 Ida Salin

Ida Salin

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Published:
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