Academic events and traditions

Public defences

A public defence is a ceremonial occasion that follows academic traditions and is part of the evaluation process of a doctoral thesis. Approximately 250 public defences are arranged at Aalto University annually.

A public defence, i.e. a public examination of a doctoral thesis, is a ceremonial occasion that follows academic traditions. During the proceedings the doctoral student defends the results of their doctoral thesis against public criticism and answers questions presented by the opponent. The course of the public defense is supervised by the custos, i.e. chairperson. 

The proceedings follow a strict protocol and dress code. The audience comprises of colleagues in the field as well as close relatives and friends of the doctoral student. Customarily the defence takes approximately two hours. Afterwards, doctoral students usually offer refreshments to the audience. A remote or hydrid format defence is also possible.

The post-doctoral party, or "karonkka" marks the end of the doctoral thesis process and is arranged by the doctoral student to thank the opponent, the custos and others who contributed to the work.

Public defence at Aalto University

Instructions for planning and arranging public defences (for doctoral student and custos)

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Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone

Upcoming public defences

Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, M.Sc.(Tech.) Verner Püvi

The thesis studies the highest amount of solar panels that can be connected to low-voltage distribution networks.
The figure shows an artificial material used for verifying the function of a ray tracing model (RTM).
Public defences

Public defence in Measurement Science and Technology, M.Sc.(Tech.) Robin Aschan

Development of measurement instruments for angle-resolved measurements of reflectance and transmittance using visible and infrared light
Artistic interpretation of the thesis content: A mobile robot, resembling a vacuum cleaner robot, is moving through a flat.
Public defences

Public defence in Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, M.Sc. Georg Götz

This dissertation works towards data-driven audio engines by exploring the interaction between room-acoustic modelling and data-driven methods.
Doctoral hat floating above a speaker's podium with a microphone
Public defences

Public defence in Engineering Physics, M.Sc. Timm Mörstedt

The Quantum-Circuit Refrigerator allows for dissipation control, reset of quantum bits, and thermodynamic control of superconducting quantum circuits.
Doctoral education
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