The Aalto University vice president for education has on 20 December 2024 approved the following policy which will enter into force on 1 January 2025.
Under the Universities Act (558/2009, section 44) and the Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying (section 36), Aalto University issues the following policy on credit transfer:
1 Purpose and scope of application
The purpose of the policy is to allow the identification and recognition of student learning gained elsewhere towards a degree and thus to facilitate the student’s completion of the degree and acquisition of new knowledge. The policy apply to credit transfer, accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner towards a degree as well as other incorporation of learning into Aalto University degrees. The policy applies to degrees of all levels (bachelor’s, master’s, licentiate and doctoral degrees) unless otherwise mentioned.
The policy is applicable to a limited extent to the transfer of credit for studies completed at Aalto University in certain situations (see section 4.4 below).
The policy is applicable to a limited extent to agreement-based studies (see section 4.5 below).
2 Definitions related to credit transfer
Credit transfer refers to the recognition of studies, work placement, work experience or learning as part of a degree or a course, either as obligatory or elective studies (Higher Education Glossary 2005).
Identification of learning refers to the method of establishing the level of the student’s learning and capacity to meet the learning outcomes on the basis of the documents and other possible evidence provided by the student.
Recognition of prior learning refers to the method whereby learning the student gained and demonstrated elsewhere is either included in, or substituted for, elements in the student’s degree.
Substitution means that studies completed elsewhere or learning demonstrated otherwise than through formal education compensate for studies included in the degree requirements. Substitution requires that the contents and level of the studies or other learning correspond to those of the studies substituted for.
Inclusion means that studies completed or learning gained elsewhere or learning demonstrated otherwise than through formal education is included in the degree as elective studies, for instance. Inclusion does not require that the contents of the learning correspond exactly to the contents of specific degree requirements. However, inclusion does require that the included studies or other learning fulfil the learning outcomes of the degree and correspond to the level of the degree requirements.
Accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner means, in these policy guidelines, recognising learning gained outside formal education either as credits towards the degree or in some other form.
In this policy, credit transfer refers to both substitution and inclusion unless otherwise specified.
Incorporating studies into a degree without a credit transfer procedure refers to a situation where a student may enter into their personal study plan the studies that they have completed or will complete elsewhere, with or without obtaining a formal approval for this change in their personal study plan and is thus able to incorporate the studies completed in accordance with the personal study plan into their degree without a credit transfer procedure.
A cross-institutional student is a student who completes studies at another higher education institution on the basis of their right to study at their home institution. The network agreement on educational cooperation defines the student groups who have a right to cross-institutional studies. As a rule, any studies completed under a network agreement are incorporated into the degree or studies pursued without a formal credit transfer procedure.
3 General principles of credit transfer
A precondition for credit transfer are competence-based degree requirements and curricula that provide adequately detailed descriptions of the learning outcomes of the degrees, programmes, study modules and courses.
The process of preparing the personal study plan of the student includes the identification of any relevant and demonstrable prior learning of the student that could be counted towards their Aalto University degree. Students are instructed to apply for credit transfer in cases where they would otherwise have to repeat learning that they have already demonstrated.
Credit transfer always requires that the prior learning be in line with the learning outcomes set for the degree and for the component towards which credit transfer is sought, such as a course. Credit transfer cannot be sought for learning that has already been demonstrated for the degree or counted towards it as transfer credits. The student must be able to provide evidence for their learning in a form that is suitable for assessment. Whether the learning was already included in some other finished or unfinished degree is unimportant from a credit transfer standpoint, unless otherwise specified below.
Studies or learning demonstrated in some other manner are, for the purposes of credit transfer, regarded as having the same period of validity as that defined for the study attainments of the student’s Aalto University degree. For special reasons, credits even for older studies or older learning demonstrated in some other manner may also be transferred to the degree.
As a rule, the awarding of a degree by Aalto University requires that at least half of the studies counted towards a bachelor’s or master’s degree, including the thesis and the maturity essay, has been completed in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme of the student. Additionally:
- Transfer credits may not account for more than one half of the core studies of the bachelor’s programme and the studies towards the major of the bachelor´s degree as defined in the degree regulations, excluding language and communication studies.
- Transfer credits may not account for more than one half of the core studies of the master's programme and the studies towards the major of the master´s degree as defined in the degree regulations.
- The maximum number of transfer credits for the degree is calculated based on the scope in credits of the above-mentioned modules combined, not for each module separately.
An exception to the general rule are transfer students, for whom the portion of transfer credits in the degree may also account for more than half of the total. Even in such cases, however, credits awarded for theses cannot be transferred nor credits in connection with the maturity essay for showing conversance with the thesis topic. The previous studies of transfer students are transferred for credit to the maximum extent allowed by the structure and learning outcomes of the degree.
Also in the case of licentiate and doctoral degrees, the awarding of a degree by Aalto University requires that at least half of the studies counted towards the degree, including the thesis, has been completed in accordance with the curriculum of the programme of the student. For licentiate and doctoral degrees, however, the scope of the thesis actually accounts for more than half of the studies of the degree; therefore, the portion of transfer credits for doctoral studies measured in credits is not limited.
4 Transfer of credits for formal education
Studies completed in formal education means the completion of studies that have been approved for inclusion in the curriculum of an educational institution.
Aalto University degree students may transfer credits towards their degrees for studies completed at other Finnish or foreign higher education institutions or other educational institutions, provided the studies meet the learning outcomes of the degree and programme pursued.
The studies for which credits are sought have to be at a sufficiently high level and relevant in the light of the degree requirements and curricula.
Substitution requires that the substitute course meet the learning outcomes of the course it substitutes for. Whether this goal is met is assessed on the basis of the contents and outcomes of the substituting course. The scope of the substituting course in ECTS credits may be equal or greater or a maximum of 20% narrower than the scope of the course substituted for. However, a course whose scope is less than five (5) credits may be substituted for by a course whose scope is a maximum of one (1) credit narrower. Credits for the Aalto course being substituted for are entered into the student register (student information system) with the scope defined in the degree requirements and marked as transfer credits. One may also apply for a substitution in which several courses completed elsewhere compensate for a single Aalto course. In such cases as well, the Aalto course that is being substituted for is entered into the system with the number of credits indicated in the Aalto degree requirements.
Partial substitution for a course is also possible. The end result of the processing of a credit transfer application may be that it is not possible to substitute for a course in its entirety, but that some additional test or demonstration as arranged with the teacher is still needed in order for the student to receive the full credits. The demonstration of learning may be an oral or written test, for example, or an essay, portfolio or assignment. Partial credit transfer is not marked as transfer credit in the student register; the student receives a regular course completion mark instead. Study attainments of this kind are not counted as credit-transfer studies and they do not bring the total number of credits transferred nearer to the maximum allowed amount.
4.1 Transferring credits towards bachelor’s and master’s degrees
Credits may be transferred towards bachelor’s and master’s degrees through either through substitution or inclusion.
As a rule, the studies included in a minor must be fixed or otherwise approved modules offered by a higher education institution in Finland or abroad.
In most cases, credits are transferred by including them in the elective studies of the degree.
4.2 Credit transfer for studies completed at a university of applied sciences
Credit transfer may be sought for courses completed at a university of applied sciences (UAS) if the learning outcomes are met. UAS studies may, as a rule, be included in the elective studies of bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
A completed UAS module may be included as a minor in an Aalto bachelor’s degree. The only UAS modules that may be included as minors in a master’s degree are advanced studies completed at the master’s degree level. Bachelor’s level modules completed at a UAS may not, however, be included as minors in a master’s degree.
4.3 Transfer of credits from degrees that granted eligibility for degree studies
No credits may be transferred from the degree that granted the student eligibility for university degree studies. This applies to degrees of all levels.
Studies in a master’s degree that was used as the basis for eligibility during admissions to master’s level studies and that also has studies that correspond to a bachelor’s degree may be transferred for credit towards the master’s degree. In such cases, only the master's level studies may be transferred. Studies that were not part of the degree that was used as the basis for eligibility but were taken into account in the suitability assessment of the student admissions process, may be transferred for credit towards the master’s degree.
Studies that were not part of the degree that was used as the basis for eligibility but were taken into account in the suitability assessment of the student admissions, may be transferred for credit towards a licentiate or doctoral degree, provided they are of an advanced or doctoral level.
4.4 Transferring credits for language studies
Credits for upper-secondary-level language studies may not be transferred towards Aalto University degrees.
4.4.1 Transferring credits for compulsory language studies towards bachelor’s and master’s degrees
Credits for compulsory language studies or language studies that are otherwise part of the degree requirements of the programme can be transferred through substitution.
Compulsory language studies’ refers to the language studies that students must complete to demonstrate that they have attained, either through their studies for a bachelor's or master's degree or in some other manner, the required level of proficiency in the national languages of Finland and in at least one foreign language, in accordance with section 6 of the Government Decree on University Degrees and Professional Specialisation Programmes (794/2004 as amended).
The requirement under section 6 of the Government Decree regarding learning outcomes as applied to specific fields of education at Aalto University (business, art and technology) refers primarily to students’ proficiency to operate and communicate as experts in their field. The compulsory language studies for credit transfer do not have to be completed in the same field of education.
4.4.2 Transferring credits for other language studies
With the exception of the language studies referred to in paragraph 4.4.1, credits for language studies cannot be substituted. Instead, students are advised to take another course suitable for their proficiency level, provided one is offered by Aalto University.
4.5 Transfer of credit for and incorporation of studies completed in a different degree programme provided by Aalto University
Studies completed in a different Aalto degree programme may usually be incorporated into the student’s degree without a credit transfer procedure.
Studies are counted towards the degree without a credit transfer procedure in accordance with a personal study plan in cases where the student:
- completes individual courses or a minor at another Aalto University school or unit (e.g. at Aalto University Open University)
- changes to a different study option or degree programme within the field of technology before finishing their bachelor's degree.
Prior studies are counted towards the Aalto University degree through a credit transfer procedure in cases where the student:
- has been admitted as a transfer student from a different field of education at Aalto University and the new programme leads to a different degree
- has already completed a degree at Aalto University and is now pursuing another
- is simultaneously pursuing two different degrees at Aalto University.
4.6 Transferring credit for agreement-based studies or incorporating them into a degree
4.6.1 Credit transfer in double and joint degrees
Provisions and this policy on credit transfer are applied to a limited extent to studies towards double and joint degree programmes completed at another university or higher education institution in accordance with the curriculum of the degree programme. Such studies may account for more than one half of the credits of the degree. However, credits for a thesis or maturity essay may not be transferred.
The credit transfer procedure will, however, be used as applicable in cases where students wish to have studies counted towards their degree that are not part of their degree programme’s curriculum.
4.6.2 Incorporating into the degree agreement-based studies implemented through educational cooperation
Agreement-based studies included in the Aalto University curricula, meaning teaching that Aalto University arranges with, or procures from, another university or university of applied sciences (educational cooperation, referred to as teaching collaboration in the Universities Act (558/2009) section 7 a), are incorporated into the students’ degrees without a credit transfer procedure. Credits for any studies completed through educational cooperation do not count towards the maximum share of transfer credits determined for the degree.
Language and communication studies provided through educational cooperation are also considered agreement-based studies.
4.6.3 Credit transfer for and incorporation of other types of agreement-based studies
Studies completed on the basis of an agreement with Finnish higher education institutions and compliant with the curriculum of the student’s programme may be incorporated into degree without a credit transfer procedure.
If the agreement-based studies are not compliant with the curriculum, the incorporation of the studies into the degree must be agreed upon in the student’s personal study plan.
Credits for agreement-based studies are transferred in the form of inclusion, which means that they cannot be used to substitute for Aalto University courses.
5 Accreditation of learning gained outside formal education
Aalto University degree students may transfer to their degrees credits for learning that was gained outside formal education, provided it meets the learning outcomes of the degree and programme pursued. However, in the case of language studies other than the compulsory language studies referred to in paragraph 4.4.1 above, students may only transfer to their degree credits for learning acquired through higher education institutionlevel formal education.
Learning that may be accredited towards a degree may be gained outside formal education, for instance, through continuing education, independent study, positions of responsibility, hobbies or work. It should be noted that, when assessing prior learning, the focus is on the knowledge and skills gained rather than the experience itself.
Prior learning may be evidenced through certificates, exams, portfolios, essays, interviews or other applicable procedures as deemed appropriate by the assessor of the prior learning. The methods used for assessing learning gained outside formal education may also be used to complement the assessment of transfer credits for formal education.
Credits for any learning gained by completing courses that are organised by other higher education institutions and available through a continuous-learning course offering may be transferred as learning gained outside formal education. As a rule, prior learning gained outside formal education is identified in two alternative ways at Aalto University:
- Students may apply for credit transfer when they identify that they have attained the learning outcomes of an Aalto University course through learning outside formal education. In such cases, the prior learning of the student is compared to the learning outcomes of the courses towards which the transfer credits are claimed. In addition to written documents, the student may be required to provide additional evidence of their learning through, for example, an oral or written test, an essay, portfolio or assignment.
Where the prior learning meets the course learning outcomes only partially and the student is required to provide the course teacher-in-charge (responsible teacher in Sisu) with supplementary evidence of their learning to complete the course, the course credits are not considered transfer credits (and therefore are not bound by the rule that no more than 50% of the degree may be earned through credit transfer). - Aalto University acknowledges some established means of gaining learning outside formal education (e.g. Aalto University positions of responsibility, work placements). This type of learning is recognised in the form of courses specifically set up for the purpose of claiming credits for prior experience in an agreed-upon manner. Another way of accrediting learning demonstrated in some other manner towards the degree is entering the credits as custom course credits. In such cases, the learning of the student is assessed against the learning outcomes of their programme or degree. This procedure allows any learning gained elsewhere that is relevant to the degree to be accredited towards the degree. When accrediting learning demonstrated in some other manner towards the degree as custom course credits, credit transfer may be used.
6 Credit transfer procedure
Attending degree students may apply for credit transfer in writing from their Aalto home school when they have completed the studies or gained the learning demonstrated in some other manner for which credit transfer is sought.
The decision on credit transfer is made by a relevant member of the Aalto academic staff or a relevant body. Decision-making may be delegated to Learning Services staff if there is a precedent or guideline on credit transfer that is relevant to the case. Guidelines and expert opinions on credit transfer for language courses are given by the Language Centre. The credits transferred for studies or learning demonstrated in some other manner are marked in the student register so that the origin of the credits or prior learning is visible. A favourable decision on credit transfer must indicate the scope of the credit transfer in credits, the grade assigned, the studies it substitutes for or the module the studies have been included in. Studies completed outside of Aalto University as well as non-formal learning gained outside of Aalto University are graded Pass when credits are transferred with the following exceptions:
- A course completed at another Finnish higher education institution for which credits are transferred through the process of inclusion is marked in the student information system and included in the degree with its original grade, provided that the grade and the grading scale correspond to those used at Aalto University. When transferring credits for a course that substitutes for a course in the student’s Aalto degree, the course is graded Pass.
- Any transferred credits for studies completed to demonstrate the requisite proficiency in the national languages of Finland (Finnish or Swedish) in the bachelor’s or master's degree are marked in the student information system using the grading scale set forth in section 28 of the Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying (Fail/Satisfactory/Good).
In double and joint degrees offered through international or national cooperation, studies are graded Pass when credits are transferred, unless otherwise provided by the terms and conditions of the cooperation agreement or by the curriculum of the degree programme.
Students dissatisfied with their credit transfer decision may appeal against it as provided in the Universities Act (558/2009).
7 Entry into force and transitional provisions
This policy enters into force on 1 January 2025.
Credit transfer applications that are still pending for processing when this policy enters into force will be processed in accordance with the procedure set forth in this policy. However, as regards the marking of grades and transferability of credits, the applications that are still pending for processing when this policy enters into force shall be processed in accordance with the policy that was in force until 31 December 2024.
The provisions of section 3 regarding the maximum number of transfer credits allowed for the study modules in bachelor’s or master’s degrees (core studies of the bachelor’s or master’s programme or studies towards the major) does not apply to the credit transfer of studies that are in accordance with a personal study plan or personal study plan for a student exchange approved before 1 January 2025