Arts infra Workshops

ARTS Workstations

In addition to shared IT classes, Aalto ARTS offers a wide range of workstation environments, including various video editing units, 3D-modelling units, a colour-managed IT class and other special facilities.

A wide range of software can be installed in both IT classes and specialty rooms. Existing spaces can also be customized according to the needs of both hardware and software.
A modern computer lab with multiple workstations. Each desk has monitors, keyboards, and various devices connected.

News and current issues

No entry sign over workshop image
Campus Published:

Holiday breaks and special opening hours at Arts infra

Special opening hours and exceptions at Arts infra workshops.
Legal use of software
Campus Published:

Maxon Cinema 4D & ZBrush: EULA Changes

Educational licenses are only for teaching or learning purposes. No research, commercial, professional or other profit-making purposes.
Mac Dialog box about user files being removed from the computer
Campus Published:

Public Aalto Macs updated

Public Aalto Macs are being updated in February 2023. There will be many changes for the users.
Work in Progress. Image by Suvi Helko, 2022.
Campus Published:

F011 Scan and Edit moved to K1-Floor

The workstations of F011 have been moved in order to expand the F001 classroom.

Aalto ARTS Workstation Environment

More Detailed Information

ARTS Workstation team Application


All computers of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture are equipped with the applications that are essential for studies.

Arts infra Workshops
F011 iMac and Cintiq

Operational Needs

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture workstations and facilities offer plenty of opportunities for a wide range of activities and needs.

Arts infra Workshops
Mac classroom with multiple desks and computer monitors. A screen in the foreground displays Aalto login page.

Classrooms and facilities

The workstations of School of Arts, Design and Architecture are located in the classes and special facilities in Väre and Otakaari 1 A-wing.

Arts infra Workshops
Going to help people in Väre.

Workstation team services

The services provided by the workstation team of School of Art and Design

Arts infra Workshops
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